10 Mistakes About Dating And Relationships I Got Wrong!

10 Mistakes About Dating And Relationships I Got Wrong!


10 Mistakes About Dating And Relationships I Got Wrong

Thank you for all your candid and kind feedback, opinions, and wisdom in the comments.

When I read your alternative viewpoints, I challenge myself to question my biases.

We all have blind spots, including me! 😉

With your input, I’ve done some research and want to share the prominent things I got wrong or changed my mind about thanks in part to you.

In this video, we’ll look at 10 mistakes about dating and relationships I got wrong or changed my mind about and I’ll clarify which women are most attracted to men with the three 6s: 6’ tall, 6-pack abs, and 6-figure income. 😉

Watch the video here >>https://youtu.be/w0l9UqP-NAc<<

Beyond My Mistakes About Dating and Relationships

WakeUP2Luv & Online Therapy

If you’ve made some mistakes about dating and relationships and want to find your own blind spots, my WakeUP2Luv program will help you figure out where you may be sabotaging your love story!

It’ll help you figure out what you really need in a partner and stop being deceived by what you think you want. (Hint: most men are surprised by some of the traits they actually desire.)

However, if you feel so unworthy you think you’d be better off alone forever, or worse, you may benefit from professional therapy.

There is nothing shameful about hiring a professional to guide you!

Professional athletes don’t hesitate to hire a professional coach to find their weak points and improve their skills. That’s what professionals are for!

Same thing with therapy.

Find out more about the online therapy company I recommend here.

With my WakeUP2Luv program and/or a therapist, you’ll start believing you do deserve the kind of love you crave…

…and avoid the mistakes about dating and relationships you’ve made in the past.

I believe in you!

Big hug, Anna

mistakes about dating and relationships

