10 Signs of a Taker in a Relationship (and How to Avoid Them)

10 Signs of a Taker in a Relationship (and How to Avoid Them)


For those of us who tend to give people too many chances in love, it’s an all-too-common experience. We hold onto the hope that things will change and that our partner will finally see and appreciate all that we do. We make excuses for their behavior, convincing ourselves that they’ll come around if we just love them enough.

But the truth is, being in a relationship with a “taker” can be emotionally exhausting. It slowly chips away at our self-esteem and leaves us feeling drained and unfulfilled. We start to question our own worth, wondering why our love doesn’t seem to be enough.

If you’ve found yourself in this situation one too many times, know that you’re not alone. It’s a trap that many of us who lead with our hearts have fallen into. But it’s important to recognize the signs of a one-sided relationship so that we can break free from the cycle and find the balanced, reciprocal love we deserve.

Here are ten signs that may indicate you’re in a relationship with a “taker”—signs that those of us who give too many chances in love often overlook, but shouldn’t.

1. They always put themselves first

A taker rarely considers their partner’s feelings or needs. They make decisions based on what benefits them, often leaving their significant other feeling neglected or unimportant. If you constantly find yourself compromising your own happiness to accommodate your partner’s wishes, it’s a red flag. A partner that cares for you will consider your feelings in every situation. The prioritize you in their actions.

2. They lack empathy

Takers struggle to put themselves in their partner’s shoes. They may dismiss your feelings or belittle your concerns, making you feel like your emotions are invalid. Often a sign of a narcissist. Saying things like you are too sensitive or too emotional. Making you feel like you are being needy for having needs. In reality a healthy relationship requires both partners to be empathetic and supportive of each other’s

3. They’re never satisfied

No matter how much you give, a taker always wants more. They may constantly demand your time, energy, and resources without reciprocating. There is no appreciation for the efforts you have made. Instead, they spend their time criticizing how you didn’t do right, and how they could have done it better. This leaves you feeling drained and unappreciated, wondering if your efforts will ever be enough.

4. They manipulate you emotionally

Takers often resort to emotional manipulation to get what they want. They may use guilt, anger, or even the silent treatment to control you. Rather than taking accountability for their mistake during conflict, they flip the fault on you and start pointing out all the things you did wrong. If you find yourself constantly walking on eggshells, afraid to upset your partner, it’s a sign that this is an unhealthy relationship.

Do you often end up in relationships with partners who are simply not willing or able to give you the love and support you need? You are not alone. Many people find themselves in this situation, but it can be frustrating, painful, and even damaging to your mental health. If this is you, watch this video below where I delve into ways you can stop attracting emotionally unavailable people, and what you can do to break this pattern.

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5. They’re inconsiderate of your time and energy

Of course, there are circumstances in which people are late due to an emergency. However, when they are consistently late and never take accountability to change their behavior, this may be a red flag. A taker rarely respects your time or energy. They may show up late, cancel plans last minute, or expect you to drop everything to cater to their needs. This lack of consideration leaves you feeling like your time and effort are not valued. Someone who respects you will respect your time as well.

6. They never take responsibility

In a relationship with a taker, it’s always someone else’s fault. They refuse to acknowledge their own mistakes or shortcomings, often shifting the blame onto you or others. They seem to always be the ones attacked by everyone in their circle. “The world is against them” attitude. This lack of accountability makes it difficult to resolve conflicts and grow together as a couple. If there is no problem, then there is no problem to fix.

7. They rarely reciprocate

Takers tend to view relationships in a one-sided, transactional manner – focused on what they can get rather than on mutual benefit. Over time, this lack of reciprocation damages their connections as people feel taken advantage of and unappreciated. Takers ultimately find that by rarely giving back, they miss out on the trust, collaboration and goodwill that fuel healthy, productive relationships.

8. They don’t support your goals and dreams

A taker may feel threatened by your personal growth and success. Instead of encouraging you to pursue your passions, they may discourage you or even actively try to hold you back. When they see that you have success, they start criticizing and tear you down to make them feel better about themselves. A loving partner should celebrate your achievements and support your goals, not hinder them.

9. They’re always keeping score

When someone is dealing with a taker in a relationship, it can be emotionally draining and hurtful. Takers often keep track of every kind gesture, gift, or sacrifice they’ve made, not out of genuine care but as a means to manipulate and pressure their partner. This scorekeeping becomes a tool to make their partner feel guilty and obligated to comply with their demands. In a healthy relationship, both partners give freely without expecting anything in return.

10. They make you doubt yourself

Over time, being in a relationship with a taker can erode your self-esteem. They may criticize you, gaslight you, or make you feel like you’re not good enough. It’s deeply painful when someone close to you frequently criticizes you, manipulates your perception of reality, or makes you feel inadequate. If you often find yourself doubting your own value, questioning your judgment, and feeling like you might be losing touch with reality, it’s a sign that you might be with a taker.

Remember, you deserve to be in a relationship where you feel valued, respected, and loved. Don’t settle for someone who only takes from you without giving anything in return. By learning to recognize the signs of a taker early on, you can avoid falling into the trap of a one-sided relationship and instead find a partner who will support and cherish you the way you deserve.

If you struggle with expressing your boundaries and want to stop the frustration of constantly being dismissed, book a Free Relationship Readiness Review with me here. 

