13 Ways to Meet Women Outside of Bars For Introverted Men

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A bar isn’t always the best venue to meet women, especially if you’re an introverted man.. More often than not, you may find yourself hanging out with the friends you came with the entire time. Perhaps you don’t drink, or maybe the bar scene just isn’t your thing! Whatever the case may be, many men can relate to the frustration of not being able to successfully meet women in bars. Happily, there are plenty of ways to meet women outside of bars. 

Today we’re going to share 13 ways to meet women outside of bars, especially with introverted men in mind.

Let’s dive in!

1. Give dating apps a chance

Meeting a woman through a dating app can help you get to know her from the comfort of your home, and it can also show you what the dating pool is like in your area. If you’re interested in meeting her in-person, you can plan a date at a local venue.

2. Spend time doing something you love

Perhaps you have a beloved hobby like playing a musical instrument or journaling. Spending time doing something you love can open doors to new opportunities to meet people who have similar interests. 

If you don’t have a hobby already, think of something that you’ve been wanting to try and go for it! Join a bowling league or sign up for painting classes at your local art studio.

3. Browse a bookstore or library

Reading can invite a whole new world of women to meet, especially ones who enjoy curling up with a good book. Try striking up a conversation with a woman by asking what she’s currently reading, or suggesting a good book you enjoyed!

4. Join a co-ed adult sports league

Even if you may not consider yourself athletic, joining a co-ed adult sports league is a great way to meet women. If you’d rather watch than participate, volunteer to bring the orange slices for the team snack after the game!

5. Grab some single friends for a night out

It’s understandable if you feel a little shy when you’re out on your own. If that’s the case for you, go out to dinner with some of your single guy friends! This is a great way to catch up with them while feeling comfortable having others around you.

A group of women may notice how much fun you all are having that they decide to join you for dessert! Be sure to smile openly at women you see, to help make it that much easier for your group to meet her group. Also, bringing along a gregarious friend can do wonders too; he can help you out!

6. Get some work done at a local coffee shop

Try switching up your workspace for a day by working from a local coffee shop. Strike up a conversation with women around you about what their go-to coffee order is or what they’re working on today. When you’re genuinely open to meeting people and you’re kind to everyone, this will come across as relaxed and friendly! 

7. Work out at the gym or try a fitness class

A gym is a great place to meet women. Next time you go, try a fitness class you’ve never done before or offer to be a spotter for someone lifting. Check out this article on how to meet women at the gym.

8. Go to the park (or dog park if you have a dog!)

Spend some time in nature by taking a walk around the park, or if you have a dog, bring him to a dog park to play fetch if you have one! Dog owners love to meet other potential playmates for their pup, and you’ll already have a mutual connection over your affection for your furry companions

9. Join an online group of people with similar interests

Another virtual way of meeting women is to join a group on Facebook or a similar platform that allows people to connect over shared interests. From recipe ideas to discussing your favorite TV show, there’s a group for everyone.

10. Volunteer for a worthy cause

Volunteering is not only rewarding, but supporting a cause you believe in will allow you to meet other like-minded women who share the same passion as you do. Whether caring for those in homelessness or tutoring children who might not get that attention at home, this is a meaningful way to contribute while opening yourself to meeting others who share the same compassion you do!

11. See if friends or family have someone in mind for you

Try a different networking approach and ask if any of your friends or family have someone in mind to set you up with. Chances are, they know you and the potential woman well enough to determine if the two of you would be a good match for each other!

12. See an artist or band you love in concert

There’s nothing better than live music and bonding with those around you over a shared love of an artist or band. Next time your favorite musician is in town, get tickets and go! 

13. Go to a sporting event

Similarly, sporting events are great ways to meet women. High-fiving after a big play or touchdown or chatting with those around you can give you the opportunity to get to know a woman who catches your eye and ask for her number!

Conclusion on how to meet women outside of bars

As you can see from what we shared today, there are many different ways to meet women outside of bars. Try these creative ideas the next time you’re wanting to change things up a bit.

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Introverted Alpha has been helping smart introverted men attract women naturally since 2014. This powerful woman-led team has been featured in Business Insider, Forbes, Entrepreneur, AskMen, Men’s Fitness, and many more. Introverted Alpha is best known for its gentle, logical advice perfect for the introverted man to improve his dating and social life and his confidence.

