3 Powerful Ways to Heal and Stop Attracting Narcissists

3 Powerful Ways to Heal and Stop Attracting Narcissists


If you feel like you’re constantly attracting narcissists and toxic partners, it’s time to acknowledge a pattern. This isn’t the blame game; instead, it is about self-awareness and self-reflection, so we don’t repeat the same toxic patterns.

After all, we are the common denominator in all our relationships. Who we choose to bring into our lives is our choice. The good news is there are steps you can take to heal from past hurt and start attracting healthier relationships. This blog post will share three powerful ways to do just that. Keep reading to learn more!

If you’ve been attracted to or involved with narcissists in the past, it’s important to understand that it’s not your fault. Here’s where you have control.

Narcissistic partners can be difficult to shake off, but there are ways to stop attracting them into your life such as, recognizing any of your own behaviors or beliefs that may be drawing them in.

If you often accept bad treatment, give into manipulation, or look for people who need saving, then unfortunately, narcissistic people will sense the vulnerability and take advantage.

By paying attention to red flags rather than brushing them off it’s far easier to prevent a situation before forming a connection than after.

If you are wondering if you are in a relationship with a narcissist, this video shares key signs to look out for!

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Here are three powerful ways that you can move toward healing and ultimately stop attracting these types of people into your life.

Recognize Your Emotions.

If you’ve unfortunately been exposed to the emotional turmoil of having a narcissist in your life, the most powerful step you can take to heal yourself.

Starting by taking ownership of your feelings, thoughts, and experiences can help create an inner environment that is less likely to attract narcissistic behavior from others.

Being aware of how you contribute to and experience dynamic situations helps you make conscious decisions that will serve your highest good. Change starts within, so focus on healing old wounds. Spend your time releasing feelings of anger, frustration, and guilt by journaling your feelings and thoughts.

The more you create awareness of these emotions you will be able to recognize and acknowledge them much earlier to protect your heart. It can be hard work, but any effort invested into loving and protecting yourself is worth it in the end.

Forgive yourself for any past mistakes.

Taking the second step towards forgiving yourself for any past mistakes might be one of the hardest things to do, as it requires being able to forgive yourself more deeply than you can forgive another.

But it is a necessary process to move forward and learn from life’s lessons. Gently processing your emotions, understanding them, and letting go of any self-criticism can be incredibly rewarding and cathartic. Practice canceling out your inner critic and learn to speak to yourself as you would someone you love.

By allowing yourself to take this journey of self-love, understanding and more importantly self-forgiving, you can move into a more positive perspective with a healthier sense of self and appreciation for who you are in this present moment.

Learn how to set boundaries early on and learn to say “no” when necessary.

Once you have processed and healed from the emotional turmoil, the next step is to learn how to avoid attracting a narcissistic type ever again.

They say you teach people how to treat you. Communicating your needs must start early in a relationship. However, most singles are so excited about this new relationship that they miss all the red flags and forget the need to remember to set boundaries.

By the time they say anything… the red flag habit and behavior has already been going on too long and most are so emotionally invested in the relationship, it makes it hard to leave.

The goal is for you to start setting boundaries early on and saying “no” when necessary, this can make all the difference in scaring the narcissist away. Boundaries are something narcissists cannot stand or want to meet.

When an issue arises, it is important to communicate your boundaries clearly and direct. Focus on facts, and ensure you write and document everything.

If you see someone try to bend the truth and gaslight you. Instead of trying to prove yourself right, recognize that this is a person you do not want to date. They aren’t willing to respect your boundaries and cannot meet your needs. Make this act a good indicator that you are not a good fit.

Expressing your boundaries is not selfish, but rather it helps create a space for healthy conversation and respect. Learning to stand firm on issues you’re uncomfortable with, and resist giving in even if it feels overwhelming at first, will slowly empower you to create positive change and choose a relationship that potentially leads to more positive outcomes down the line.

Remember that true security and fulfillment comes from within yourself – cultivate self-love and put yourself first; this outlook trumps any superficial attraction that brings narcissistic partners into your world.

If you struggle with setting boundaries in your relationships and need more support, I’m here to help. Schedule a Free Relationship Readiness Review with. me here.


