3 Priceless Dating Tips To Attract the Right Men

Dating Tips To Attract the Right Men


Last night was a special event. Hundreds of women in the greater Los Angeles area took time out of their busy schedules to learn 3 Priceless Dating Tips That Will Repel the Wrong Men, Attract the Right Men and Make You Feel Infinitely Better Than You Do Today.

It was a banner event that included 5 answers about why it’s so hard to meet the right men, 3 priceless dating tips, an interview with a former client who’s gone through my program, and, finally, an invitation to join my “Be the CEO” Dating Bootcamp — Live From Los Angeles, which begins on Saturday, April 23rd and runs through Wednesday, May 18th.

Wait, what?!

There’s all this stuff going on that I didn’t even tell you about? That doesn’t sound cool. It’s like finding out that all of your friends were at a party to which you weren’t even invited.

So here’s my thinking:

First, this is something I’ve wanted to do for a long period of time — the ability to work with clients in person and create an intimate group of smart, strong, successful women going through a one-month program together. The problem with a one-month-program, of course, is that it virtually eliminates the possibility of anyone outside of Los Angeles joining. It really doesn’t make much sense to fly to LA every other Wednesday night, does it? I didn’t think so.

So this “Be the CEO” Dating Bootcamp — Live From Los Angeles — is ultimately a test run. I wanted to put together a thoughtful, personal, comprehensive event that offered the best in dating advice, personal attention, and fun. I’ve already had a bunch of women sign up right after the initial teleseminar and am excited to get the group started in a few weeks.

Presuming all goes well, I’ll figure out how to run this bootcamp in other big cities — maybe even with your help! But first things first, I’m looking for 10 smart women in LA who are ready for big change.

What about that free 3 Priceless Dating Tips teleseminar? Why didn’t I tell you about that previously? Again, it had to do with getting 10 women from LA registered right away. It’s not that you don’t stand to benefit from the same dating tips, but rather that the point of the teleseminar was to inspire Los Angeles women to take action and become the CEO of their love lives. It doesn’t make as much sense if you have to fly from New York to LA once a week for four weeks

But since I’m a sucker — and you know I like teaching you as much as I can – I took the liberty to record this event and will replay it for you, for free.

When I ask you to embody your CEO energy, all I’m telling you to do is summon your greatest innermost confidence when it comes to dating.

Just click below to listen to a replay of my “3 Priceless Dating Tips That Will Repel the Wrong Men, Attract the Right Men and Make You Feel Infinitely Better Than You Do Today” and — if you are anywhere within driving distance of LA I’d love to see you in the “Be the CEO” Dating Bootcamp.

And if your first reaction is “Be the CEO?” “Bootcamp?” “That sounds very — um — masculine,” I completely get where you’re coming from. Maybe it sounds like the male dating coach is trying to put together some live-ass-kicking where he berates you into better dating behavior like a drill sergeant in an 80’s military movie.

Not quite.

As you may know, “Being the CEO” of your own love life is one of my central coaching themes. It doesn’t mean being difficult or bitchy or masculine or playing games. When I ask you to embody your CEO energy, all I’m telling you to do is summon your greatest innermost confidence when it comes to dating.

If you are the CEO of your own small company with great perks, long-term benefits, and potential tenure, you can begin to see each new man is just an intern applying for a job with you. That gives you all the power. Since there’s only one job opening available, you’re going to be pretty selective about who gets that one coveted internship.

As a CEO, you don’t spend any time worrying about what the intern thinks, because it doesn’t matter. YOU’RE the boss. YOU determine whether he gets hired. His future at your company is up to YOU and depends entirely on his EFFORTS. If he has a great resume, but doesn’t do the consistent work to get (and maintain) a long-term position, you fire him and bring in another intern.

The intern who wants the job most may not be the one with the best resume; he’ll be the one who is willing to work for it. He shows up early. He stays late. He really, really wants the job. If he doesn’t earn the position of boyfriend, you let him go with no fanfare. If no interns are currently impressing, the job remains open indefinitely until you find the right fit for this prestigious one-of-a-kind position. Better to have no intern than a bad intern who disappoints you on a daily basis.

The CEO metaphor is the best example I’ve got for how to date successfully — especially in Los Angeles — land of insecurity, social climbers, dreamers, and flakes.

When you’re the CEO, you don’t have to chase down some guy because he runs a Silicon Beach startup or is the executive producer of his own cable show. You just sit back, observe his efforts and treat him the same as you’d treat any other person in the entire world — with kindness, humor and compassion.

No fear, no wariness. Just show him why he’d be smart to get in on the ground floor of your company and pay attention to how seriously he’s taking this job.

That’s how easy it can be — if you learn how to feel like a CEO from the inside out.

In less than a month, I’m going to take you from where you are now — confused, frustrated, and a little jaded — and turn you into a man magnet and dating machine.

– Soon, you will get over the pain in your past, embrace the present and date with inner confidence to attract the best men.

– Soon, you will crush the fear and inertia that have been holding you back from putting yourself out there in an authentic and vulnerable way.

– Soon, you will have quality men lining up to take you out on thoughtful, generous weekend dates.

– Soon, you will know exactly how to best handle the check, the good night kiss, the after-date text, what men think about sex, and the optimal method for dating multiple men at once.

– Soon, you will be the CEO of your love life, and systematically reject any immature, narcissistic, flaky, damaged, selfish male intern who doesn’t make an effort or doesn’t want to commit.

By the time you are done with my “Be the CEO” Dating Bootcamp, you will either have a boyfriend or know how to get a boyfriend — without the anxiety, fear, sadness, drama and confusion you usually associate with dating.

I hope that sounds good to you, because I do not make promises I can’t keep.

This is my most powerful dating material — previously only available in Love U – and, for the first time, I’m doing it LIVE from Los Angeles.

The fact is — as much as I believe in eBooks, video courses, and recorded phone calls, there is no substitute for the in-person experience.

Just like the difference between talking to a man on the phone and meeting him for a date, when you and I get together in person, there’s an entirely different chemistry.

Fun. Emotion. Anticipation. Joy. Surprise. Laughter. And yes, probably a few tears as well.

If you’ve read my blogs, newsletters and eBooks, believe me, there is no comparison with how different this material will feel in real life.

In less than a month, I’m going to take you from where you are now — confused, frustrated, and a little jaded — and turn you into a man magnet and dating machine.

Doing powerful dating exercises. Telling funny dating stories. Practicing flirting. Making intimate friends. Being vulnerable. Feeling excited and empowered. Eating and drinking heavily, courtesy of yours truly.

If the idea of making a close bunch of single girlfriends in LA, spending 15 hours with over lunch, dinner and drinks, and reinventing how you approach dating in LA sounds appealing to you, click here to learn more about “Be the CEO” Dating Bootcamp.

Those who sign up right now will get 4 bonus hours of audio coaching worth nearly $400 on topics including Insecurity, Courtship, Online Dating Profiles and Bad Behavior vs. Misunderstood Behavior.

That’s a LOT of value to help supplement your Bootcamp education.

Remember, I am only taking TEN women from all of Los Angeles, first come, first served.

Based on the early feedback I’ve gotten, that may mean that if you don’t register now, you may not be able to register tomorrow.

Sorry about that, but that’s what happens when you restrict a program for smart, motivated women to only ten people — you get the best of the best up front.

Thanks so much for your time today.

I can’t wait to meet you in person and finally show you the path to lasting love!

Warmest wishes, your friend,


P.S. You know what I did when I needed to make a change? I created this bootcamp.

Now it’s your turn to take bold action to get happy.

My “Be the CEO” Dating Bootcamp starts on Saturday, April 23rd, don’t miss out.


