3 Signs He’s Love Bombing [WARNING]



Have you ever gone out once or twice with a man only to have him dial the intensity up to an 11 before you even know his last name?

“You are the woman of my dreams,” he says.

“I think I’m falling in love with you,” he says.

“Let’s quit our jobs tomorrow, elope in Bali, and join a yoga cult,” he says.

Don’t get me wrong. There are cases where people go on a first date and realize that the person across the table is destined to become their husband or wife.

Here’s the difference: they don’t say that on date numero uno. They keep that little slice of divine wisdom to themselves, probably until they marry said person.


Because you don’t want to freak your date out.

You don’t want them to think you’re a psychopath.

You don’t want them to consider getting a restraining order against you.

Plus, where’s the fun in fast-forwarding through all the romance, the flirty, sexy banter, and the sexual tension?

Slowing things right down (also known as pacing in Little Love Step #5) is what makes dating so exhilarating. You don’t want to miss this.

Here are three clear signs he’s love bombing you (don’t dismiss the idea of that restraining order just yet):

When a guy love bombs you this way, it’s not usually because he likes you so much that he can’t help but confess his feelings. More often than not, it’s because he has an ulterior motive, code for he wants to get jiggy.

Knowing the signs will stop you from being manipulated by men like this when you’re dating and help you shout NEXT before it’s too late.

Your Coach,

