3 Things That Have Changed in Dating Since

3 Things That Have Changed in Dating Since


Over the last year, many things have shifted in the way we socialize and gather with people… finally, we are moving into the post pandemic experience.

For single people, the pandemic made it close-to-impossible to go on dates in-person and at first, it seemed like the possibility of “meeting the one” was slim to none. Fortunately, people quickly found ways to make meaningful connections and went on dates by means of technology and other creative platforms. We have come a long way since last March, and we are excited to share with you 3 major things that have changed since 45% of Americans are vaccinated…

First off… It’s important to understand that not only are we shifting into the post pandemic experience on a large scale, but individually we are going through transformations. We need to start asking ourselves high quality questions about where we are now.

A lot of the time, we hold this specific and precious vision of the life we want, and when it doesn’t end up looking like that, we freak out and escape the present moment. We want you to make this period of transformation an opportunity for you to truly grow and put into practice everything that you have learned over the past year.

After doing some research and digging, we found 3 notable shifts in the dating world over the course of the pandemic and what that means for you now.

