Self-Help Books for Everyone
Self-help, self-care, and self-confidence are the goal around these parts! We are all working to become our best selves and learning from some of the best authors. You know we couldn’t keep these gems to ourselves! Get ready for some of the BEST self-help books you can keep coming back to over and over.

Find the genre that fits your need the best and start there.
Table of Contents
- Self-Help Books for Everyone
- Self-Help Books for Growth
- Self-Help Books About Self and Body
- Helpful Books about Marriage and Family
- Self-Help Books About Habits
- Productivity Improvement Books
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Self-Help Books for Growth
1. Who Moved My Cheese – This is a classic for a reason! Learn to cope with changes in your life and how to move past what could be seen as an end.

2. Daring Greatly – Vulnerability is not a weakness; in fact, it might be your greatest strength.

3. You Are a Badass – It’s true and it’s not changing, but you might need to change how you think of yourself after this read!

4. The Inner Game of Tennis – A must-read for athletes and anyone who wants to understand how to conquer new skills.

5. The Anatomy of Peace – Conflict is something we would all rather avoid, but it is also a constant in life. Learn how to find the root of conflict and then solve it.

6. The Happiness Advantage – Happiness fuels success, not the other way around. Flip the script with this great book.

7. Imaginable – Develop your imagination and the ability to look forward with optimism.

8. The Happiness Trap – If you’ve ever found yourself trapped in a downward spiral, this book may be for you. It will help trap you the other way – straight to happiness!

9. The Daily Stoic – Daily meditations that share wisdom from the past and change the trajectory of your future.

10. Essentialism – Life is full of so many things to do, but this book will make you consider what is actually essential. It’s so helpful to take time and reflect on what is really important.

11. Braving the Wilderness – We crave true belonging, but often, don’t know where or how to find it. Brene Brown is here to help!

Self-Help Books About Self and Body
12. Health At Every Size – Find joy in movement and what health means to your specific body type. It will be a boost to your healthy and your self-esteem.

13. More Than a Body – Your body is an instrument, not an ornament. Relearn how to honor your body for you and what you need. It’s generally sorted in the self-help books for women group, but anyone struggling with body image could benefit.

14. Living In Your True Identity – Dig deep to find your true self and really start living. Don’t allow social media to steal away who you really are.

15. Come As You Are – Discover the previously unknown facts about your body and see how it changes your sex-life for the better! This book comes highly recommended and is one of the best self-help books for women for a reason. Get ready!

16. The Body Keeps The Score – Trauma hangs around and can make major changes on your body. Take time to see how your body is keeping the score.

17. Body Talk – Live your best life loving the body you have now. It’s another great self-help book for women who have struggled with body image.

Helpful Books about Marriage and Family
18. The Antelope in the Living Room – Told in a narrative format, this book is going to walk you through how to compromise in your marriage.

19. The Empowered Wife – Take charge of your own life and your own habits instead of bending over backwards to try and change your husband. Find your power with this incredible self-help book for women.

20. Grumpy Mom Takes a Holiday – Persue your passion and leave the grumps behind! Don’t let the burden of dishes and laundry keep you from being happy. Definitely one of the best self-help books for women and moms who feel they are losing themselves.

21. The Gift of Failure – Learn how to allow your kids to fail, and how they will learn from it. No more helicopter parenting here!

22. Good Inside – You and your kids, you’re both good inside. This parenting book will help you discover how to see that truth amidst the storms.

23. The Power of Fun – No more fake fun around here! Find how to truly have fun and enjoy doing it.

Self-Help Books About Habits
24. The Power of Habit – In order to change your life, you have to change your habits. Easier said than done! This book will help you understand the science behind habits and how to control them instead of the other way around!

25. Atomic Habits – 1% changes can make major differences! Learn how to make the small changes that lead to big results.

26. How to Break Up With Your Phone – Change your habit with your phone. This self-help book will help you change how you use our most common tool.

27. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People – We’ll give you a little spoiler: be proactive, begin with the end in mind, sharpen the saw! Read or listen to this classic of three decades to find out the other four.

28. The Miracle Morning – Can you commit to a morning makeover? Take your time to learn the benefits and then apply what you glean!

29. Leadership and Self-Deception – Stop the self-justification and find a way out of the box that you built around yourself!

Productivity Improvement Books
30. The Lazy Genius Way – Do you love life hacks? This book is one giant life hack for you! It will help you answer the question “What can I do now that will make life easier later?”

31. The Compound Effect – Get rid of those bad habits and start your trajectory towards the success you want.

32. Four Thousand Weeks – Push the anxiety of not having enough time out of your mind.

33. Total Money Makeover – Dave Ramsey is a money guru for a reason. As with all things, each principle might not apply to you. Take what you can and leave what doesn’t fit.

34. The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up – This was so popular (and controversial) when it came out, but the ideas are solid. Keep what you love (what sparks joy) and get rid of the rest.

35. Extreme Ownership – Leadership development taught by Navy SEALs? Yes, please.

We can never get enough self-help books, knowing there’s so much out there to learn and apply to our lives! We hope you found something on this list that spoke to you, too. Enjoy!
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