4 Reasons Why Men Have Commitment Issues

Why Men Have Commitment Issues


You just started dating a new guy, and it feels like a dream.

It turns out you both grew up around the corner from each other.

You both want three kids.

Wait… his favorite ice cream is chunky monkey too?!

Stop it—what a match made in heaven.

But just as you start fantasizing of Friday nights snuggled with him on the sofa with a pint of B&J and two spoons and The Notebook, reality kicks in. He starts pulling away, ignoring your texts and hoping you get the message. Or he has the courage to be honest, and tell you he’s “not looking for a relationship right now”.

But what’s going on in his head? Why do men have commitment issues, even when they meet an incredible woman? Watch the video to learn more…

I’m gonna level with you here – in my twenties, I was a total commitment-phobe. All, girlfriend shmirlfriend, who needs one? It wasn’t long before I realized I did want to meet someone special. But I had to reach that conclusion in my own time, on my terms.

So if a man has commitment issues, you’ve gotta leave him to sort his sh*t out and figure out what he wants.

Maybe he doesn’t like chunky monkey at all, and he’s repulsed that it’s your favorite.

Maybe he already has those three kids you were talking about with three different women, and the thought of a fourth is tipping him over the edge.

Maybe he’s a Russian spy undercover who got bored one night and decided to join Bumble.

Who knows?

Check out the video above for the most common reasons why men have commitment issues.

Your Coach,

Why Men Have Commitment Issues

PS. If you’re ready to start making men pursue you for love, then join me on this free webinar to discover the 3 steps to building emotional attraction – Register here to get started (it’s 100% free).

