4 Tips to Get More Sex Right Now…

how to be a dominant man


how to be a dominant man

Click Here to Discover 3 Rough Sex Moves She’ll BEG You For Again & Again…

I know, I know I’ve said this before… but here goes:

A lot of guys seem to think that I tell them to stand up to women because they look like a “wuss” if they don’t.

They seem to believe that some women simply don’t need to be stood up to. Some women simply “like to be in charge.”

I know this might sound forward-thinking & open-minded at first… however, in a long-term relationship, this can backfire in a big way.

HOW TO BE A DOM: Sexually Dominate Her for MAXIMUM Pleasure (Click For Step-By-Step Instructions)…

Even if you’re not in a long-term relationship, this line of thinking can backfire. It can lead to less communication, less happiness, and yeah, less sex.

So today, I’m going to show you why this is and how to fix it.

I’ll show you why you must stand up to women if you want to get sex, and how to do it in a way that isn’t too forward or aggressive.

But first, let’s talk about why women act this way. Because trust me, as a professional dating coach, I can tell you that this is the first step to getting exactly what you want from women.

So let’s dive in.

What 95% of Women Really Want in A Man (That They’ll Never Admit)…

Lots of guys come to me convinced that some women are naturally more “dominant.”

They say, “Well, David, for your information, times have changed. Women have changed. Sometimes they DON’T need the man to ‘be a man.’ Some women are very dominant, and they are attracted to guys who act more feminine.”

This line of thinking is all wrong. Trust me–I know.

Believe it or not, I coach men and women.

And most of the women who come to me are already in relationships.

It might sound strange at first–but here’s the thing:

Most women don’t have too much trouble meeting guys (especially younger, more attractive women).

When they’re in a relationship, though, they often struggle to enjoy it as much as they originally imagined. There are expectations that aren’t being met, and they don’t know how to fix it.

INSIDER SECRETS: 3 “Touch Tricks” That Turn Her On FAST (Controversial Video)…

That’s when I see them.

Usually, their situation is that they want to know how to get a guy to behave the way they want. These are dominant, strong women who come to me for help.

And quite often, these women aren’t getting enough sex.

(Note: Lots of guys ask me how to get more sex as well. So here’s a short, free video that shows you a fast, low-effort way to get a girl to have sex with you very quickly.)

Of course, every situation is slightly different, but whenever I hear about a “dominant woman not getting enough sex,” there’s usually one big reason why.

It’s because the man didn’t stand up to her in the beginning, and now the dynamic is off–for her.

Women can fix this problem, yes, but it’s easier and better if you fix it (if this is a situation you are in).

Here’s what I mean:

Why THIS Causes Women to Avoid Sex & Shut Down…

When a dominant woman in a relationship isn’t getting enough sex, here’s usually how it happens:

The relationship starts, and the guy–pleased as punch that he’s been approached and this woman is doing most of the work–is getting exactly what he wants. Sex.

Often, the guy is getting more sex than he’s ever gotten in a relationship. Not only that, but she initiates!

Most nights she practically insists on sexy times, and more often than not she is willing to do whatever he wants sexually. It’s perfect for him, and he couldn’t be happier.

OK–so she’s a bit demanding at times, but that’s a small price to pay… right?

“She knows what she wants,” he tells himself. “Plus, most of the time, I either want the same thing or I really don’t disagree with her anyway. It’s just easier to do it her way,” he thinks.

Oddly, though–and believe me, she has no idea it’s coming–she finds herself often not very turned on by him.

They continue to have sex anyway, but she’s angrier lately.

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Things aren’t working out the way she wants. Despite the fact that he usually does what she suggests, he’s not really taking the hint that she wants him to take charge.

And because he’s not taking charge the way she wants, he finds that they’re not having sex as often anymore.

Is it because she’s trying to use sex as a bargaining tool?

Possibly, but this isn’t exactly out of the norm. Plus, he hasn’t really been feeling “in the mood” a lot lately anyway.

Maybe he’s been dipping into the porn, maybe he’s tired from work, maybe he just isn’t feeling it.

If you find yourself in this situation–in a relationship where both of you love each other, but the sex simply isn’t happening–then it is time, my friend, for you to step up.

It’s time to stand up to her.

The “Dominance Secret” That Gets You More Sex & a Bonus Testosterone Boost…

Here’s the truth:

Standing up to a woman might not feel natural for you. It might not feel right. Hell, it might feel like you’re playing a character from some movie.

But if you want to get sex regularly again, you have to do it.

It might not make either of you happy at first, but here’s why it works:

When you stand up to a woman, you get a healthy testosterone boost, which can boost your sex drive.

And on top of that, her attraction to you will grow as well (after all, this is what she wanted all along but could never ask for).

It sounds too easy, but I promise you it works.

TRENDING: If She Does This With Her Body It Means She’s Kinky & DTF (Most Men Totally Miss This!)

And what’s great is that you don’t have to be some a**hole to stand up to women. You don’t have to be mean, or unkind.

Instead, it’s a lot more about how you position yourself.

Here’s what I mean:

how to be a dominant man

How To Show Any Woman Your Sexual Dominance (So She Sleeps With You Right Away)…

Like I said, the one quality that causes a woman to chase you down for sex in that immediate, carnal way… is dominance.

But this kind of dominance isn’t about physically pushing her…or arguing with her… it’s much more subtle than that.

The sexual dominance I’m talking about is what causes women to give you lustful glances while you’re walking down the street…

… or “accidentally” bump into you at bars…

… and ultimately, it’s the fastest way to get a woman so turned on that she has to have you… all while using very little effort.

The beauty of this kind of sexual dominance, is that you do NOT have to be an “aggressive” or “outgoing” guy to do it.

Instead, it’s more about making a few subtle tweaks, that cause women to see you as a sexual option… (including the women who have maybe acted “lukewarm” toward you in the past)…

And you can see exactly what these subtle tweaks are, and how to do them right here:

Discover The Fastest Way to Show a Woman Your Sexual Dominance & Get Her So Turned On That She HAS to Have You…

[Note: This post was updated by Gotham Club on September 15, 2020.]

