5 BIG Reasons Why Men MUST Choose To Stay Single

5 BIG Reasons Why Men MUST Choose To Stay Single


5 BIG Reasons Why Men MUST Choose To Stay Single For Now (Or Forever)!

I’m sure you have a long list of reasons why men must choose to stay single, but what are the top 5 biggies?

As much as you deserve to find love, sometimes staying single is the best option for you, either for now or forever.

If you’ve been rejected, hurt, or heartbroken by women, you’re in the right place.

If you spent enough time in the pickup artist community to get good at it but feel empty inside, you’re in the right place.

Staying single doesn’t have to be forever but sometimes it should be.

Let’s look at when you should stay single temporarily whether you’re getting some action or not and when you must stay single forever…

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…so you can stop thinking about what women want and get on with your life and what you really need!

5 BIG Reasons Why Men MUST Choose To Stay Single

When You Should Stay Single (For Now)

Sometimes, it’s ok to take a break from pursuing women for relationships.

In fact, sometimes you need to.

1. Focus on Self-Improvement

Staying single can be a temporary option while you choose to focus on yourself, whether you’re younger or older.

You may want to focus on building or rebuilding your kingdom, developing yourself, or simply practicing monk mode.

More on monk mode in a minute.

If you feel you don’t have enough to offer the kind of woman you want, then you may want to stay single and work on improving those areas.

It could take months or years to do this depending on how high your standards are or what needs repair.

These might include:
  1. Finishing post-ed
  2. Moving out on your own
  3. Getting a solid job
  4. Paying off debt
  5. Losing 30 pounds of flab
  6. Gaining 20 pounds of muscle (don’t neglect your calves!)
  7. Developing confidence
  8. Building a social circle
  9. Rebuilding what divorce stole

If you’re not where you know you need to be to get the kind of woman you want, is staying single the best option for you?

It could be. For now.

You’ll be less likely to settle just to settle down… or catch the feels for a woman below your standards who was only supposed to be a good time, not a long time.

Now, what about monk mode?

This brings us to…

2. Detox Sex Addiction

Some men who’ve spent a lot of time in the pickup artist community become addicted to “landing a target.”

They may be good at getting some, but lack the skills to develop emotional intimacy.

Then they wonder why the only women they attract are hoes who aren’t able to provide emotional intimacy, monogamy, loyalty, or integrity.

They think all women are like that and wind up settling just to settle down.

But they end up in toxic relationships that end badly, which reconfirms their bias about women.

Pickup artists can become some of the loneliest men out there despite all those hoes.

If you’re addicted to the thrill of the chase, the capture, and the close but can’t get past that or end up in toxic relationships, you may want to take a break and choose to stay single and celibate for now.

This brings us to the third of the big reasons why men must choose to stay single for now.

3. Recover From Heartache

Staying single can be your best option if you’re recovering from a toxic relationship, a bad breakup, or the death of a partner.

You’re staying single to heal yourself before getting into another relationship.

If you haven’t properly healed, you’ll probably choose unwisely.

If you didn’t see or you ignored the red flags or you’re desperately lonely, you’ll probably choose unwisely and end up heartbroken again.

This isn’t a time to date, it’s a time to work on things that’ll help you recover your confidence and vitality.

You need to use this time to focus on what needs repair or improvement.

But there are a few times staying single forever might be the best option for you.

When You Should Stay Single (Forever)

4. MGTOW and Misogyny

It probably goes without saying but I’ll say it… if you hate women, don’t date them.

Not all men who identify with MGTOW are misogynists!

Men going their own way is more than a philosophy.

Because of fourth-wave feminism, few men want to date, never mind marrying a new-age masculine, dominant woman.

Sure, some men appreciate an independent woman who isn’t a drain on their wallet, but like misogyny, I’m talking about women that look down on men simply for being male.

And social media makes it challenging for good men because even average women flaunt their wears online acting like God’s gift.

They think they have unlimited options because of all the simps and fake Chads sliding into their DMs.

Some men who align with MGTOW hook up with women but won’t settle down with any.

Others, prefer MGTOW monk mode. No sex at all.

Regardless, to feel truly happy you’ll still want to fix what needs repair in your life.

Be careful of online forums that shame you for making improvements and accuse you of only improving to better your chances with women.

They are not looking out for your best interests!

Nonetheless, if the juice isn’t worth the squeeze for you, staying single and maybe celibate could be your best option.

And this brings us to the last on my list of the big reasons why men must choose to stay single.

5. Religious and Spiritual Beliefs

If a man chooses to be a pastor, priest, or actual monk he vows to step away from intimate relationships for a relationship with our Divine Creator.

Fair enough. Enough said on that one.

Overall, only you can decide if you should choose to stay single, and I hope whatever you do choose, you make peace with that choice…

…and stop simping!

Simping hurts all men—and women for that matter.

It puts women on a pedestal and inflates their egos turning them into spoiled princesses who won’t even stay loyal to Chad.

If you’re not sure if you’re simping on social media or in real life or need a recap, watch my video on Simping!

Thanks for being here, God bless.

