5 HARSH TRUTHS About Modern Dating And Relationships!

5 HARSH TRUTHS About Modern Dating And Relationships!


  1. 5 HARSH TRUTHS About Modern Dating And Relationships!

These harsh truths about modern dating and relationships are not for the faint of heart.

How can anyone find love in a world of instant gratification, seemingly endless options, swipe fatigue, and FOMO (fear of missing out)?

Combine that with confusion around men’s and women’s differences, and whether or not we’re even allowed to suggest such a thing never mind accept and explore those differences…

…it’s no wonder many men and women are frustrated with modern dating and relationships.

Yet millions of people are looking for the secret to modern dating and relationships.

The fact is, we’re built to be in relationships, whether romantic or platonic and even though we don’t really need others to survive, we do need each other to thrive.

So, if you want to thrive in your relationships, you’ll want to start by accepting, and embracing, these 5 harsh truths about modern dating and relationships.

If you can get on board with these truths and stop fighting them, life will become a whole lot less frustrating.

Watch the video here >> https://youtu.be/VgNTIuBKS5U <<

Beyond The Harsh Truths About Modern Dating And Relationships


If, after reviewing the risks of love, you’re brave enough to want love anyway, you are a Love Warrior, my friend!

For a personalized step-by-step guide for how to develop traits, women crave that you’ll respect in yourself, get my WakeUP2Luv Program here… and do. the. work.

Warning: It’s a comprehensive self-development program, not a pickup artist BootCamp. WakeUP2Luv will challenge you to dig deep and look at aspects of yourself you don’t want to see but need to. You will discover some of your blind spots keeping you from the kind of love you truly desire. It’s worth it!

Nothing changes if nothing changes.

Nothing changes if you don’t (change).

I believe in you. You got this!

xo Anna

harsh truths about dating and relationships

