5 Lies Men Tell Women While Dating



Have you ever dated a guy who has lied to you, whether it was a little lie or a big one?

Did he tell you he was vegetarian when he chowed down on a charcuterie platter three hours ago?

Did he tell you he was single when he had a wife and three kids at home?

These are all lies.

Maybe you can forgive the first two, depending on who he is and whether he has lied about other things, but the last one is obviously a deal-breaker.

Here’s the thing, some guys (and gals) lie when you first meet them. Usually, it’s because they want to impress you, convince you to go on a date with them, or build a connection with you.

Other times they had no intention of lying, but it fell out of their mouth before they even knew what was happening, and it was too late to take it back. What can I say? Guys do dumb stuff sometimes.

But that doesn’t change the fact that a lie is a lie.

Here are 5 of the most common lies men tell when dating.

Occasionally, you’ll meet a guy who is a pathological liar.

He tells you he’s the CEO of a company when he’s stacking shelves in Walmart. He tells you you’re the most beautiful woman he has ever met, but you’re the third woman he’s said that to this week. He tells you he’s heading back to his hometown for the weekend for his brother’s funeral, and he doesn’t even have a brother.

Beware of men who lie, whether it’s a small white lie or a massive one.

What else could he be lying about?

Your Coach,

lies men tell women

PS. If you’re ready to start making men pursue you for love, then join me on this free webinar to discover the 3 steps to building emotional attraction – Register here to get started (it’s 100% free).

