5 Signs He Likes You After The First Date And You Can Expect More

how can I tell if he likes me after 1 date


Looking for first date signs he likes you? Here are five things to watch for to know if you can expect to see him again.

how can I tell if he likes me after 1 dateHow to Tell If a First Date Went Well

Finally, you’re on a date with a man you like! Even better, you get the distinct feeling he likes you too. But, how can you know for sure? What are the signs he likes you after the first date?

There are plenty of people who offer dating advice on this subject. I have seen a lot that in this expert’s opinion, does not hold water.

The most common things are the ones that might just fool you. And that could be what your date had in mind to get you into the sack quickly.

Don’t Be Fooled By Sweet Talk

There are a few telltale signs a man likes you. However, there are others that sound good, yet don’t mean much.

For example, if he says he hasn’t met a woman like you in a long time, no question that’s a nice compliment. But, it could have absolutely no meaning beyond flattery and his effort to warm you up so you like and trust him.

Also, don’t be fooled if your date says, “I’ll call you,” at the end of the night. Many men feel compelled to say this because they don’t know another way to end the date.

Confusing as this might be, don’t put stock in this promise to call, since it’s actually most often a sign that he WON’T call.

Another comment that gives you a false sense of security because you think its one of the signs a man likes you, is if he talks suggests future plans. Naturally, you think this is a good thing.

However, while future fantasizing is fun for a man who is a romantic at heart, again it doesn’t mean much. The proof is in what he does to make that future a reality. Men who wax on about all the things you could do together someday, rarely follow through.

Seduction vs. Genuine Interest


Some men skilled in the art of seduction will share a good deal of personal information, hoping you’ll feel safe with him as a result. He wants you to trust him and feel special that he shared so much with you.

Women often tell me how a date revealed intimate details about his life and they thought this was a good sign.

Why would a man do this if he didn’t feel really comfortable?

It’s an old trick and works really well too. A man will draw you in with his story to gain sympathy and hope you’ll let down your guard. Then he can swoop in, so he can get you into bed that night.

Many women throw caution to the wind with a man like this as they get swept off their feet. Don’t be fooled by this seduction method.

What Should You Look for in a Man?

what do I want in a romantic partner

Well, that question is really a blog post in itself! Read this post which will help you think about how to find a man with traits you like and who is potentially compatible at the same time.

Give some thought to what you want and think will make for a compatible partner. Be sure to think longer-term about his values and what he sees in his future. You want to have a similar life and relationship agenda if your romance has the potential to last.

What Do Men Think After You Sleep With Them?

A lot depends on the man and his reason for sleeping with you. If he is into you, he might be thinking about seeing you again and certainly having sex with again. He might let future plans roll through his mind and be excited about getting to know you.

If he’s just a one-night kind of guy, he might be think about how he can get out of having you stay over or hope you don’t want to have a relationship or expect this to turn into anything serious.

What do men think after you sleep with them?  Some fret about performance and wonder if you faked your orgasm, or how he rated versus other men you’ve slept with. He could also be patting himself on the back for being such a great lover.

At times, men aren’t thinking anything about you or the future. He might have work on his mind and be running through what he needs to do tomorrow. They might feel hungry, tired or want to take a shower. Or simply fall asleep without much thought at all.

Read this post to discover three ways to decide when it’s OK to sleep together?

Signs He Regrets Sleeping With You

signs he regrets sleeping with me

A man might regret sleeping with you if it only seemed like a good idea because he was drunk. Or if he feels things will be awkward when you see each other next. This is especially true if he has to see you the next day at work and questions his choice when he wakes up.

Another regret is if it was just sex to him, but he realizes you are really into him. This might make him pull away as he doesn’t want to feel like the bad guy.

There are plenty of reasons for regrets, but this is how it might show up after the act. He…

  • Gets quiet and appears uncomfortable
  • Suggests you’d sleep better if you went home
  • Puts on his clothes right away and leaves
  • Is suddenly angry or unpleasant out of the blue
  • Says he has an early day at work and takes off quickly
  • Claims he doesn’t feel well and goes back to his place
  • Doesn’t call or text the next day or the next
  • Is slow to respond or doesn’t answer when you reach out

Okay, now let’s move on to what you REALLY want to know – does he like you?

First Date Signs He Likes You

man in sunglasses

So, what are the things to watch for so know you’ll see him again? Here are the five that I trust as positive indicators he wants more of you.

1. Calls the Next Day to Say He Had a Good Time

If your date picks up the phone to tell you he had a good time, this is a strong signal you will see him again.

Texting is easy and lazy. He could text you and then 10 more women. But, he’s not likely to CALL 10 women. Not at all.

So, if he calls and chats with you the day after your first date, you may have him on the hook girlfriend.

2. Strong Eye Contact

If your date gazes into your eyes for a good part of your time together, he may be signaling serious interest.

Consistent eye contact shows his comfort with you and a desire to know more.

Sometimes this might border on staring, so don’t be too surprised, but it’s not a bad thing. (Unless he’s staring at body parts and not into your eyes.)

And if you happen to notice that his pupils are dilated, it can be a biological response pointing to the deep attraction (or it’s too dark in the room – haha!)

3. He Leans Towards You

signs he likes you after a first date

When a man is genuinely interested in what you have to say, he LEANS IN to be sure he can hear you.

This is typical body language that has been proved through tons of social research and you can bank on it.

When a person is fully engaged in the conversation, they want to get closer. Bingo – another one of the signs he likes you after the first date.

4. Laughs a Lot

If you are truly building rapport, he’ll laugh easily and smile a lot. This might seem like a no brainer, but you’d be surprised.

Sometimes your date will smile some of the time but, look off into space, around the room, or down at the table if he’s not that comfortable.

When you’re engaged in a conversation and things are going well, there will be a good dose of laughter and a smile on his face for the majority of the time. Take this as one of the important signs he likes you.

5. Asks for Another Date

Yup, one of the surefire signs he likes you after the first date is that he asks for a second date while he’s still with you!

He might say he wants to see you again or my personal favorite – he comes out and asks when you are free.

My husband asked me at the end of our first date if he could see me again when he walked me to my car. Of course, I said, “Yes!” He gave me a quick kiss and started to walk to his car across the parking lot.

Then much to my surprise and delight, he turned back and asked, “Well, when are you available?” It still makes my heart go pitter-patter.

This is the strongest of the signs he likes you after the first date. Nothing like knowing you’ve got a second date lined up to feel like you are on your way to getting to know a man.

What if he likes you but doesn’t want a relationship?

Text After First Date

Many men will text after the first date whether or not they plan to see you again. Texts that are more positive might include:

  • I had a great time with you
  • Last night was a lot of fun
  • You made me laugh (or some other compliment)
  • Let’s do that again soon – are you free Friday?

Just keep in mind his texting doesn’t necessarily mean anything. What counts is that he asks you out again. That’s one of the best signs he likes you!

How Do I Know If He Likes Me?

Most of all, discovering how much a man is into you takes TIME. It’s not about a flurry of texting which could just as easily fizzle out as quickly as it started. You want to see what his behavior is like over a period of weeks. And what does he do to win you over? Does he:

  • Call you at least weekly
  • Take you out on weekly dates or more?
  • Text several times a week, having real conversation?
  • Try to find out about your preferences so he can please you?
  • Slowly start introducing you to his friends and family?

If you’ve been wondering about the man you’re seeing and what are the signs he likes me, these are the things that let you know he could be serious about you.

Your Next Move

man with hat

Now that you know the first date signs he likes you, what should you do next? Absolutely NOTHING! That’s right.

Leave the ball in his court and follow his lead. Let him call you and suggest a date.

Don’t feel tempted based on your good rapport to check-in, reach out, text about your day or call him.

Let him do all that which is the only way you’ll ever know if his interest is building or has dissipated.

When you let a man lead during the initial dating phase, you don’t risk crowding him, pushing him beyond his comfort zone, invading his privacy, rushing him and most importantly turning him off.

Read this post for more about letting the man lead.


Want details on how to find a quality guy? Check out my Free audio program 5 Surefire Ways to Attract a Quality Man

Single for too long, Ronnie wanted to find love. She put her skills from personal development and her spiritual path to work, dating 30 men in 15 months to meet her adorable husband Paul. Discovering the keys to manifesting and midlife dating, she founded It’s Never Too Late to help smart, successful women find love or live an empowered and magical life. Ronnie Ann Ryan, MBA, CCC, is a Certified Coach who has helped 1,000s of midlife women with her Love & Magical Life Coach services. She’s the host of the Breathe Love & Magic podcast and has been featured on NBC, ABC, & Fox News, NPR, BBC, eHarmony, MSN.com, and Connecticut Magazine among others. Also, Ronnie is the author of 6 books which are available on Amazon.

