7 Ways Men and Women COMMUNICATE Differently!

7 Ways Men and Women COMMUNICATE Differently!


Ways Men and Women Communicate Differently

Today we’re diving into the ways men and women communicate differently with some classic relationship psychology from the book “Men Are From Mars, Women Are from Venus” by John Gray, Ph.D.

This book is a cosmic roadmap to understanding the differences in how men and women communicate and relate.

Make no mistake, as much as men and women are similar, it’s the ways in which we’re different that trip us up and cause misunderstandings and frustrations.

However, it doesn’t have to be this way.

You can navigate the needs of your lady love and get your own needs met while avoiding much of the soul-sucking conflict many couples face and when you do there’ll be way less drama and far more fornicating.

In this video, you’ll learn how men’s and women’s communication styles differ, seven common communication mishaps and their solutions, and the simple formula for better communication with women.

Welcome to Just The Tip! 😉

Watch the video here >> <<

You May Need Additional Help (And That’s OK)!

One-on-One Relationship Coaching

If you’re struggling to communicate with each other in your relationship, you may benefit from relationship coaching.

Whether you choose to work with a coach with your partner or solo, personalized coaching can help you find and fix any blind spots you have that prevent you from finding and keeping love in your life.

Coaching can sometimes be better than therapy because coaches provide more specific advice and “homework.” Click here for more info.

If you feel you have deep-seated self-esteem issues, depression, or trauma that’s impacting your relationship or your life in general, then professional therapy may be the best place to start. Click here for more info.

Nothing changes if you do nothing.

Do something today.

Lots of love… Anna

ways men and women communicate differently

