7 Ways to Know if a Guy REALLY Likes You (or is just breadcrumbing)

7 Ways to Know if a Guy REALLY Likes You (or is just breadcrumbing)


Notes from the podcast:

A peculiar trend has emerged in the ever-evolving landscape of modern dating, leaving many to wonder, “What in the world are guys doing?” The scenario is all too familiar: you’re texting a guy, the conversation is flirty, sparks are seemingly flying, and then suddenly, it all fizzles out to nothing. You might even suggest going out sometime; he agrees enthusiastically, and then… radio silence.

Unraveling the Silence: The Dual Culprits

Two primary reasons often underlie this baffling behavior:

1. Shyness or Fear of Rejection: The fear of being turned down or not being good enough can paralyze even the most interested individual.

2. Backburner Syndrome and Breadcrumbing: It’s a strategy that could easily be mistaken for the world’s worst cooking show, where someone keeps you in their orbit without any real intention of initiating a serious relationship.

Breadcrumbing is essentially emotional manipulation. It’s showing just enough interest to keep someone hanging on, providing them with sporadic and inconsistent attention without any clear plan or intention of developing a full-fledged relationship.

A Widespread Phenomenon

Is this situation unique? Absolutely not. Research from 2020 involving around 600 participants revealed that over half had experienced breadcrumbing at some point. Interestingly, breadcrumbing prevalence is notably higher online compared to in-person dating contexts, particularly among individuals seeking short-term relationships. But remember, it’s not about you; it’s a reflection of the modern dating scene.

Why Do Men Do It?

Editor’s note: Ready to attract love with a proven strategy? Watch this free video to learn the 7 powerful steps

The reasons are varied and often not flattering:

-Some men believe they can always do better, keeping their options open for a “better” opportunity.
-Others might be bored, lonely, or even married, using breadcrumbing to feel connected without commitment.
-A significant factor is avoiding confrontation; many find it challenging to cut things off.

The Psychological Hooks of Breadcrumbing

Breadcrumbing exploits several psychological principles:

Intermittent Reinforcement: The unpredictable nature of the attention can be as addictive as gambling.
Gain-Loss Theory: The desire to “win over” someone boosts the perceived value of their sporadic affection.
Scarcity Principle: We tend to want what we can’t have, making the elusive attention seem more valuable.

Recognizing Breadcrumbing

How can you tell if you’re being breadcrumbed? Look out for signs like sporadic communication, superficial interactions, flakiness, mixed signals, and a reluctance to make the relationship a priority.

Protecting Yourself

Here are three principles to guard against the effects of breadcrumbing:

1. Self-Value: Remember, you deserve more than crumbs; a high-value individual seeks a fulfilling relationship.

2. Equal Investment: Ensure the emotional and effort investment is mutual.

3. Behavior as a Priority Indicator: Actions speak louder than words; behavior consistently demonstrates genuine interest.

True Signs of Interest

If you’re questioning a guy’s feelings, here are seven undeniable signs that he likes you:

1. Consistent Communication: He maintains predictable texting patterns and regular contact.

2. Follow-Through: He does what he says he will, demonstrating reliability and integrity.

3. Makes Time: You are a priority, and he makes an effort to spend time with you, even in a busy schedule.

4. Effort in Planning: He takes initiative in setting up dates or meetings, often going out of his way to see you.

5. Emotional Vulnerability: He is willing to share his feelings, thoughts, and vulnerabilities with you.

6. Sacrifices: He is willing to sacrifice for you, such as meeting after a long day or adjusting his schedule to fit yours.

7. Genuine Interest: His interest goes beyond the physical; he wants to understand your thoughts, feelings, and experiences.

In conclusion, while breadcrumbing has become a prevalent strategy in the dating world, recognizing and understanding it empowers you to navigate these tricky waters. Remember, settling for crumbs doesn’t keep you fed – it keeps you starving for the genuine connection everyone deserves.

