Adventures in Online Dating, Volume 2

Adventures in Online Dating, Volume 2


This is the second installment from the online dating trenches from Bootcamp member, Joanna. Last week was the third week – the one in which we cover understanding the opposite sex. It’s an ass-kicking session, and I’m really glad that Joanna had such a positive reaction. Keep in mind, I don’t edit anything she says below…

We’re in week 3 — and Evan spent time helping all of us see the perspective of the typical male online dater. He urged us to expand our boundaries — to extend the age limit up, to be open to more people in general, especially the ones who might seem a little “average” at first glance. Evan addressed my biggest struggle with online dating, which is the frustration factor when someone who seems to have potential doesn’t work out. He reminded us to get less emotionally invested with each individual, and that no one becomes *real* until profiles come down and you give it a go as boyfriend and girlfriend. Instead of abandoning online dating, all I need to do is develop a healthier attitude about the process …

Instead of abandoning online dating, all I need to do is develop a healthier attitude about the process

I love my new profile and pictures! My profile finally has the “real” me — it includes my values and conveys my softer, more nurturing side that I’ve struggled to express in the past. My profile was launched Wednesday after our call. While I can see that the world of online dating hasn’t changed — meaning, I’m still going to get letters from the “wrong” people, people will “poof” or not respond — what HAS changed is my reaction to it. I have a much more realistic vision — as Evan likes to say, I’ve become a short term pessimist and a long term optimist. Right now, I’ve got a handful of great correspondences going — which suits me fine. Stay tuned for more!
