Am I Emotionally Available? – Dating With Dignity

How to Get Over Your Ex?


If you are consistently attracted to someone who is emotionally unavailable, it means that YOU too are also most likely emotionally unavailable. 

I know that hurts to hear. 

But even if you have a lot to give, can talk about what’s happening, and feel deeply hurt by his actions, it does not mean you are ready to be in a healthy relationship with a guy who can give you what you want. The reason you attract these kinds of unavailable men is because in some way part of you knows that he will never give you what you need emotionally. And, as a result, it makes it easier at an unconscious level for you to also hold back a part of yourself. At an unconscious level, like attracts like.

Go back and read the definition of what it looks like to be emotionally available.  Does that sound like you?  Maybe just a little? If yes, the best gift you can get to begin to solve this problem is awareness. Next, consider taking a dating break and look at how you can start to work on being more emotionally available yourself.  Here’s how:
