Ask Me a Dating Question For Free

Ask Me a Dating Question For Free


Today, I want to share a funny experiment you can try.

Next time you go to a party where you don’t know anybody, tell people you’re a dating coach.

Seriously. I think you’ll find that people react to you in one of two ways:

1) “Who the hell are you? I don’t believe that your job really exists, and it makes me mad that people like you can run around giving advice for a living.”

2) “That’s really interesting. I have a dating question for you…”

Needless to say, I like #2 a lot better. Nothing gives me more pleasure than having a five-minute conversation that opens up a new way of thinking for a woman.

And that’s the other thing I really enjoy about coaching — it is very much about giving advice — not just listening and hoping you figure out your own solution.

…when any woman says to me, “You must be sick of talking about this,” my answer is invariably, “No…if you care about what I have to say, I’m pleased to help you out.”

Now, to be clear, many people give sound advice. I’m sure YOU can give sound advice. Still, it’s a lot easier to give advice than to apply it to yourself.

Which is why when any woman says to me, “You must be sick of talking about this,” my answer is invariably, “No…if you care about what I have to say, I’m pleased to help you out.”

And that’s the primary reason that I’m doing something I’ve never done before — hosting a 1 hour teleclass where I will attempt to answer your most pressing dating question in five minutes or less. It’s a tall order and there will be hundreds of women on the call, but I promise that even if I don’t take YOUR question, you will learn a ton from your smart, strong, successful women peers.

So please, register for my free teleclass, Ask Evan Marc Katz, on Thursday, February 25th at 9pmEST/6pmPST.

Once you register, you will get an opportunity to type in your question, and receive an email with a free teleconference number. Put it on your calendar for Thursday at 9pmEST/6pmPST, and get ready to take lots of notes.

Who knows, maybe you’ll learn something that’ll change your life… or at least be able to play dating coach at the next random party…

(Update: Since the class if over, the links to register have been removed. Don’t want to miss my next teleclass? Please sign up for my free newsletter here.)
