Baby Boomers are living alone. But they don’t have to.

Baby Boomers are living alone. But they don't have to.


I became a dating coach at 31. I’m now 51. Not surprisingly, my clients have aged with me. I now coach more women in their 70s than women in their 20s.

Women in their 20s are busy building their careers, feel like they have infinite options, and rarely think about spending money on a coach to find love.

Those women don’t call me until their mid-30s when their biological clock starts ticking louder and the dating pool of men starts to shrink.

A good number of Love U members are divorced, single mothers, trying to create healthy blended families in their 40s and 50s.

Finally, there are my older clients: baby boomers who waited until the kids were out of the house and were brave enough to start life over in their 60s.

That’s what today’s article is about.

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