Before You Meet Your Dating App Match Face-to-Face: Ask These 5 Questions

two hands holding phones messaging each other with hearts


Dating apps have become the norm for singles who are looking for love online. And while they offer convenient solutions in finding your soulmate, online dating also poses some potential risks. One of the biggest risks is that you never know who you are going to meet in person.

That’s why it’s essential to take the necessary precautions before meeting someone from a dating app face to face. One way to do this is by asking potential matches the right set of questions that spark deeper conversations so that you can gauge their character before meeting. In this blog post, I’ll provide you with five essential questions to ask your dating app match before scheduling a meetup in person.

1. What is your ideal lifestyle like?

When you meet someone online, knowing if your goals and lifestyle align with theirs is crucial. I had a client share that their past relationship ended because of a completely different lifestyle. One person loved to live life with luxury, while the other person they dated was a minimalist.

Their differences created a lot of conflict around finances and how they spent their money. Even though there was a lot of love, the relationship could not sustain their differences. Asking this question is important because the answer can tell you whether you’re looking for the same things in life.

Be upfront and authentic about who you are and what you want. Ask them about their life goals, too. If their life vision and goals don’t align with yours, it’s best to look for someone else who shares your values and priorities.

2. On a perfect day, what would you do for fun?

It’s always great to know if your potential match has similar interests to yours and how you would spend your perfect day. Depending on the answer, this can show how a person unwinds and enjoys their time off.

This question allows helps you get a sense of their personality. If you’re someone who loves staying active, but your match prefers staying in on the weekend, you may end up with incompatible lifestyles.

Although this might not break a relationship, however, it can cause a lot of conflict as both partners may want different things out of life.

If you are ready to level up in love and find a quality partner, I made this video for you.

3. What kind of relationship are you looking for and what are your deal breakers?

It’s a crucial question to ask upfront to avoid wasting time on somebody who is not interested in similar outcomes. For example, if you’re looking for a long-term relationship and your match is only interested in a casual fling, it’s better to know sooner rather than later.

Being clear about what type of relationship you’re looking for can save you from future heartaches. Ask your match upfront about their intentions and expectations. It’s also essential to know their deal breakers, be it smoking, drinking, or having kids. This way, you can evaluate if you’re willing to compromise and adjust to their preferences or walk away if it’s a non-negotiable.

4. What Have You Learned From Your Previous Relationships?

Asking your potential match about their past experiences can reveal a lot about their character and emotional intelligence. Did they learn from their mistakes and grow from them? Are they capable of handling issues maturely and resolving conflicts effectively?

If they can answer questions and express themselves, they are showing a level of vulnerability. Vulnerability is vital when creating a connection. These questions also allow you to see whether they are willing to take accountability for any part in the challenges or if they point their finger at everyone else. Knowing the answers to these questions should help you gauge their emotional readiness for a new relationship.

5. How Do You Typically Communicate With Someone That You Are Dating?

Effective communication is key to any successful relationship. Asking this question upfront can help you identify if you and your potential match are on the same page when it comes to communication. When I was dating, I used to share that my preferred way of communication was via telephone rather than text.

Are they more responsive to text messages? Is it easier for them to share their thoughts and feelings on the phone? Everyone is different. Some people love talking on the phone, while others prefer connecting through text messages. When you understand each other’s communication style, it will help foster a better connection.

Taking the time to ask the right questions before meeting a dating app match face-to-face will go a long way in ensuring your compatibility. It will also show your match that you’re serious about finding a meaningful relationship.

These questions are just a guide, and it’s up to you to come up with others that suit your preferences. If you struggle with making that connection online, I can help! Many of my happily married clients met their partners online. Schedule a Free Relationship Readiness Review with me here.
