Better Conversations With Diana Indries And Better Topics Game

better conversations


Discover an easy way to have better conversations with Diana Indries’ game Better Topics, helping couples improve their relationship in this episode of the Breathe Love & Magic podcast.

Creation of the Better Topics Game

Better Topics Card Game

I asked Diana how she came up with the idea of this game, Better Topics, to help couples improve their relationship. Turns out this was created because she and her husband had a need themselves.

Both of them love card and board games and often play on date night. Then the idea came to combine improving their relationship with the fun of a game. They tried many other existing games, and they were frustrated with these options.

Other games didn’t seem to be very helpful for creating a deeper conversation. So, they thought of developing their own. They thought about questions but also how to make it an actual game that is playable over and over and can be used more than once.

There are also rewards in the game for the winner, like foot massage, breakfast in bed, or choosing a movie. Plus, there are custom cards, so you can choose your own rewards for the winner.

Having Better Conversations

As a love and dating coach for 20 years, this is something that often comes up for my female clients. They want to have deeper conversations. Diana wisely pointed out that it can be quite exhausting to have deeper conversations all the time.

In fact, most people are not used to opening up or talking about their feelings. In her own relationship, she was the one who tended to hold back. When she would get frustrated, she would shut down, stomp around, slam doors, etc. and not talk to her husband.

Communication Breakdown

Diana’s husband would ask how he could do things differently to not upset her in the future, but she’d tell him to leave her alone because she didn’t want to talk about it. She was punishing  him in a way.

He pointed out that they cannot continue this way and he encouraged her to open up and talk to him so they could work it out. She has discovered that the vast majority of couples don’t know how to talk things through.

Better Conversations Come Easily in the Game

Better Topics Card Game

In playing a game, you are more relaxed, so you are willing to say things. It also feels like a judgement free zone and be more honest because it’s a game and not in the heat of the moment or argument.

Questions are a mix of deep topics and lighter ones. Asking these questions helps you to be there for your partner as you get to know them. And your partner will feel heard and acknowledged. That alone can deepen your connection.

This goes hand in hand with the different love languages. The game helps you pay attention to what makes your partner feel loved, because everyone is not the same.

The game is easier because not everyone is willing to read books, articles, or go to therapy to learn what you need to know to improve your relationship with productive conversations.

Making the game fun and repeatable was brilliant! It comes as a card game or an app.

Feedback about Better Topics Game

The feedback has been mind-blowing and heart-warming at the same time. One man wanted to play with his wife but his wife was not interested. So, he memorized some of the questions and just brought them up during dinner. This worked and she started to open up.

Diana realized they were helping people all over the world to start having deeper conversations and get to know each other so much better.

One couple who used the game to provide her with feedback, already had a strong, long-term marriage. They thought they didn’t need the game but tried it anyway.

His feedback was surprising because while he thought their communication was excellent, the cards brought up some interesting topics for discussion. And even some families have used the cards with their children (removing some of the cards out that were not appropriate).

How Diana Met Her Husband

Diana’s story of how she met her husband was pretty magical in itself. You’ll have to listen to learn about that. She used the Law of Attraction and as it turns out, so did her husband!

How the Pandemic Created Success

In 202o, with the pandemic, the timing couldn’t have been more perfect for this game. Couples were stuck in the house and with each other. There’s only so much TV watching that can be done. people needed to start talking to each other, so the game was well positioned for success.

Take advantage of her discount codes here and get your own game from Amazon, Diana’s website or the app. This will be updated and added soon!

BIO – Diana Indries

better conversations

Diana Indries was a Manager in the corporate world of NHS (National Health System)  the UK to Creator  and is now the creator and CEO of Better Topics.

She has helped thousands of couples in over 170 different countries improve their relationship and communicate more effectively while still having fun by playing the Better Topics Game for Couples.

This is a game that encourages couples to have those much-needed deep conversations, but with the fun and light-heartedness of a game. The best part is that Better Topics is a repeatable game, so couples can play this over and over again.

The game also won the Innovative Gaming Product of the Year 2021/22 at the Central England Prestige Awards.

Website & Social Media

Website: Better Topics –

Single for too long, Ronnie wanted to find love. She put her skills from personal development and her spiritual path to work, dating 30 men in 15 months to meet her adorable husband Paul. Discovering the keys to manifesting and midlife dating, she founded It’s Never Too Late to help smart, successful women find love or live an empowered and magical life. Ronnie Ann Ryan, MBA, CCC, is a Certified Coach who has helped 1,000s of midlife women with her Love & Magical Life Coach services. She’s the host of the Breathe Love & Magic podcast and has been featured on NBC, ABC, & Fox News, NPR, BBC, eHarmony,, and Connecticut Magazine among others. Also, Ronnie is the author of 6 books which are available on Amazon.
