
Click Here to Discover 3 Easy BDSM Sex Moves She’ll BEG You For Again & Again…
One of the most surprising benefits of practicing BDSM and otherwise kinky sex is that it may potentially make you more well-rounded, better at communicating, and potentially even smarter.
And according to some men, it even doubles as a form of therapy.
So today, I’m going to delve into why kinky sex is so good for you, and how any person can use BDSM and kinky sex for enhanced physical and mental stimulation.
The reality is, if you aren’t a regular practitioner of BDSM, then odds are you might have some questions about it.
Which makes sense, because yes–BDSM is a very curious thing.
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To those with no experience with BDSM, it may look very strange, and even practitioners may wonder why they’re aroused by such things.
(For example, even though there is still limited accurate data surrounding BDSM, the Kinsey Institute reports 55% of women respond sexually to being bitten.)
But there’s another dimension to BDSM, one that’s being increasingly discussed: the therapeutic aspect.
So what does this mean for your sex life? How can you incorporate BDSM into your bedroom?
And how can BDSM benefit you outside of the bedroom?
I’ll show you below:
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The Vulnerability and Emotional Bonding of BDSM…
The reality is, all sexual activity involves psychology to some degree.
As they say, the most powerful sex organ is the brain.
BDSM, though, is much more rooted in psychology than other sexual practices.
This is due to the prescribed roles and bond created between both participants.
And this might help explain the fact that many dominatrices are now finding themselves playing the role of “therapist” to their clients.
This new hybrid profession can help clients with anything from relaxation to achieving life goals.
Most people think of BDSM simply as activities involving pain and humiliation, but there’s a lot more going on beneath the surface.
It seems obvious, but it’s rarely stated in clear terms:
Seeing a dominatrix makes a person vulnerable.
The implications of this aren’t often discussed.
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Clients open themselves on not just a physical level, but also an emotional one. The person visiting a dominatrix is, for one, revealing their deepest fantasies to them.
Revealing fantasies they may have kept secret for a long time requires a degree of confidence in the person, and so right there a connection begins to form.
But there’s more to it than that.
BDSM is a much more “social” kind of sexuality than normal (or, in BDSM parlance, “vanilla”) sex.
A person allowing himself (or herself) to to be spanked or humiliated establishes a deep sense of intimacy with the person administering these “punishments.”
Just like the famous “falling backwards” trust-building exercise, BDSM activities require a high degree of confidence in the person you’re submitting to.
It is imperative that dominatrixes get the correct ‘tools of the trade,” and one of the easiest ways to do it is to visit an adult store in person–or even easier, order them from a trusted source online.
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How BDSM Relieves Stress…
It may seem odd to say that being yelled at and ordered around can relieve stress–but for certain people it can.
Consider that, for the duration of the session, they don’t have to think about their daily troubles –all they have to do is focus on the dominatrix and complying with her orders.
This singular focus can create a meditative, almost hypnotic state in the client, triggering the “relaxation response” discussed by Dr. Herbert Benson.
The focus created by dominatrix sessions can be much like a person clearing their mind and concentrating on their breath or the flame of a candle while meditating.
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Many men who enjoy being dominated tend to be very “high-strung.”
There’s an old stereotype, that many of the clientele of dominatrices are successful businessmen or bosses in their workplace, and interviews with dominatrices confirm there’s some truth to this.
These people are busy-bodies constantly in control of what they do with their time, and so the hour-long session with a dominatrix gives them a chance to be free of responsibility.
Ironically, being tied up can represent a mental loosening for the client.
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Here’s The Evidence That Proves BDSM Is Good For Your Brain…
The evidence actually backs up what we’re claiming here.
Though interest in BDSM was once considered pathological, multiple studies have shown that practitioners are, in general, actually mentally healthier than those who aren’t involved.
This makes a lot of sense if you accept the thesis that BDSM can be therapeutic.
As BDSM has come more into the spotlight with popular works such as Fifty Shades of Grey, acceptance of it–along with funding for research–has increased.
One study out of the Netherlands, published in 2013, showed practitioners of BDSM were more extroverted than people not interested in it.
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They were also shown to be more open-minded.
Both of these make a lot of sense, as it takes a certain degree of confidence to be so vulnerable, and open-mindedness to engage in something that has been stigmatized.
(By the way, if you’re curious about experimenting with BDSM, but aren’t sure where to start… click here to check out 3 easy rough sex moves that almost all women universally crave.)
They were also judged to be less neurotic!
A phone study in Australia determined that partners who engaged in BDSM were more intimate with each other, as well as being generally happier in their relationships.
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The Rise of the Dominatrix-Therapist…
Some dominatrices, in turn, have opened themselves up more to taking on the role of therapist. It’s not uncommon to find them advertising life-coaching, in addition to their kinkier activities.
But why would a person see a dominatrix in this capacity as opposed to a normal therapist?
Some may not be making progress in regular therapy, or just need someone to give them clear instructions on how to improve their life.
For example, one client of a dominatrix had been going to therapy for six months prior, not really finding much help from his young therapist.
He felt he needed motivation, someone to tell him what to do, and he found this in his new dominatrix.
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Another client felt the same therapy-fatigue.
Instead of being suggested to take certain steps by a therapist, the dominatrix instructed him, in no unclear terms, to get a day planner and start structuring his activities.
The client felt relief that someone was finally just telling him what to do and he was going for it.
As opposed to a regular therapist, a dominatrix was not afraid to hurt his feelings and “cut through the bulls*it.”
For these clients, “getting their lives together” is mixed with a type of sexual activity they already enjoy.
In effect, it’s like “killing two birds with one stone.”
For submissive men and women, wanting to “please” their Mistress can be a powerful motivator, and rewards and punishments can help them make lasting changes in their lives.
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How To Bring BDSM Into Your Bedroom…
If you and your partner are interested in giving BDSM practices a try, there’s no reason not to.
If anything, you’ll develop a stronger relationship. It’s not as foreign a concept as you might think–for example, so many people are interested in receiving or administering spankings in a sexual context, and at the end of the day this is BDSM, too!
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BDSM can lead to better communication skills because it requires clear communication–for example, it’s important that your partner know and respect your safe word.
It can also reinvigorate your sex life, as studies have shown that trying anything sexually new to you and your partner increases the release of endorphins.
Whether with your partner or a professional dominatrix, BDSM activities can improve your life in more way than one.
Plus, many studies show many women have fantasies about kinky sex too!
Like this really popular one, for example:

Did You Know More Than HALF Of Women Have a Kinky “Domination Fantasy”?
In a 2015 study from Dr. Christian Joyal, over 64% of women and 53% of men reported having fantasies of being sexually dominated… so if you’re curious about experimenting with BDSM, you’re definitely not alone. 😉
But how do you figure out if your woman is interested in trying it too?
Well there are two ways you can approach this…
1) Sit her down, tell her what you’d like to do to her, and see how she responds… (you’ve got about a 50/50 shot there)…
2) OR you can simply “ease” her into it with any one of these 3 rough s*x moves, that almost all women secretly LOVE… (but won’t ask for).
I know which one I’d prefer ;-)…
Because rough s*x is something a LOT of women crave… even shy girls, or women who seem kinda “boring” in bed.
Take getting choked for example.
I’ve got a girlfriend who works as a data entry specialist… she basically sits at a computer all day long… and is one of the quietest people I know.
And she says she orgasms TWICE as hard when the guy is choking her… and in fact now she pretty much “begs” to be choked every time she has sex… (her words, not mine lol).
This is apparently because choking cuts off air flow to your head, and forces more blood *down there*… which makes everything feel waaaaay more intense.
The best part?
Studies show when you dominate a woman in this way… you’ll feel more sexual pleasure too… (it’s a win-win)!
So if you want to know the absolute best choking technique for powerful, earth-shattering orgasms…
… plus two more simple rough s*x moves that’ll make your woman beg YOU for more…
Then click here now, and discover 3 easy rough s*x moves most women secretly crave… trust me, your woman will thank you for it. 😉