Craig’s Challenge — Determine Your Style

Craig’s Challenge — Determine Your Style


Craig’s Challenge — Determine Your Style
This is the best way to determine your style…

Here’s How to Determine Your Style… And Get Hot Girls to Sleep With You

Click Here to Discover the Subtle 3-Touch Sequence That Gets Her Soaking Wet, Naked & On Top of You In Bed…

Hey there… it’s Craig. And I’ve got a brand new feature for you. Every Friday, I’m going to issue a new challenge for you for the weekend. If you execute and learn from them faithfully, I guarantee women will be running after you like a fat kid runs after the ice cream truck…

What you wear has a huge impact on how women will look at you, whether you’re considered attractive, and if you can get hot girls to sleep with you…

Just look at actors like Jesse Eisenberg. 

Super normal looking guy. 

Not a great body or super handsome face, he’s a modern everyman. 

In one movie, like 30 Minutes or Less, he looks like a total dweeb. In others like Now You See Me, the dude looks like an absolute lady killer.

The only difference? His wardrobe and confidence.

So, this week’s challenge:

I want you to take a good hard look at your personal style.

So here are 3 tips from fashion expert (and my personal style mentor David Aames) on how to step up your style game:<span data-mce-type=”bookmark” style=”display: inline-block; width: 0px; overflow: hidden; line-height: 0;” class=”mce_SELRES_start”></span>

KISS: Keep It Simple, Stupid

Aames has a motto, “Keep it slim, keep it tight, keep it black, keep it white.”

He says you want to start simple and avoid overdoing it with a bunch of colors and accessories. Start with jeans and t-shirts.

David also recommends that everyone, yes everyone, goes out and buys a pair of all black, high-top Converse immediately.

They go with everything.

Craig’s Challenge — Determine Your Style

What Type of Jeans Should You Wear?

I’ve been saying it for years, and again, slim fit black or white jeans. 

Most people think you should stick with blue jeans, but because blue is actually a color, that means you have to match them with the rest of your wardrobe. 

Wearing black jeans in the winter and white jeans in the summer allows you to mix and match with anything, which will make your life way easier.

THE LATEST: If A Hot Girl at the Gym Does This With Her Body Then She Wants to Sleep With You!

Customize Your Haircut Based on Your Head Shape

A lot of guys think that particular hairstyles look good on anyone. 

But that couldn’t be further from the truth.

The bald Joe Rogan look might look great on guys like him and The Rock, but depending on your head shape, they might look awful.

As it turns out, there are seven head shapes and different kinds of haircuts that work with each of them.

  • Round
  • Rectangular
  • Oval
  • Diamond
  • Square
  • Triangle
  • Or heart-shaped

Our Cassidy Flannegan gives you the details here.

determine your style
Keep reading to learn how to determine your style….

Are You Repelling Women?

Lately, I’ve noticed a weird trend among men…

They don’t do things to impress women, they do things to impress men… And it sometimes has the opposite effect on women.

Yeah, you heard me, there’s a chance that what you’re doing is repelling women and impressing other men…

For example… if you’re on Tinder and have hunting or fishing pictures… you’re not impressing women. 

If you want to know what ACTUALLY impresses women…

Speak to and learn directly from a hot girl herself, Jessica Jay, who has been a dating coach for years, and was a relationship counselor before that… ← 

One thing that me, Jessica, and all the experts here at Gotham unanimously agree on is that women dig men who are self aware.

Men who can tell if a woman is interested, men who know when to take the lead, ask for the phone number, ask for the first date, go for the first kiss, and make things sexual… 

So how can you demonstrate to a woman that you’re a self aware man?

Simple… learn to recognize the signs that she’s interested. 

Just being aware that a woman is interested in you (and letting her know you know) will make her wetter than an orca at SeaWorld… 

And I’m telling you right now… there are hot girls who are interested in you EVERYWHERE…

Not to mention, if you’re able to recognize the signs that women are interested in you, you basically eliminate the chances of ever getting rejected again.

This will also lead you to landing more phone numbers, getting more dates, getting laid faster (and a hell of a lot more), and even help you land a relationship a lot faster…

Click here right now and discover a simple way to avoid rejection, become more attractive to women, and make dating a lot easier… and more fun.
