Dating Is Like Roulette. 3 Rules of Dating Casino Style

Dating Is Like Roulette. 3 Rules of Dating Casino Style


Like to play the dating game? Learn these 3 casino rules of dating and you’ll be playing like a pro.

Roulette came from a word meaning little wheel. Dating is a lot like that favorite casino game, except the stakes are much higher. Your feelings and his, are up for grabs. You’ve gotta learn the rules of dating with a bit of glam.

When you go out with a new guy and you see the potential of something meaningful developing, the anticipation is so exciting. He is spinning this way, you are spinning that way, and you don’t even care. That is because the stakes aren’t too high, just yet. You are both still playing the game and it is fun, because you both have a chance of winning.

When you threw your little white marble in the opposite direction of his spinning wheel, everything is just dandy. You think his solid wheel can handle something so small, feminine and intense. His head is spinning  fast, and so is yours. It feels really exhilarating. In the beginning, the momentum seems monumental. He is calling, texting and making plans with you. You are bouncing around his numbers, and you are happy as a lark.

Eventually you realize you were placing bets on black, but you both ended up in the red. How did such a fun dating game end up like that? You want to keep playing. So you dump out your purse at the cashier window, but the only things you’ve got are some maxed out charge cards and your lip gloss. Your purse and your self-esteem are totally empty.

You were using all your chips on one game. And in Vegas baby, roulette is not the only game in town. There are specific dating rules you’ve gotta follow. You’ve gotta brush up on your dating skills because you’re not in Kansas anymore.

3 Rules For Dating Casino Style

  1.  Place your bets on more than one game, and more than one guy.
    Grab your glittery red heels and keep your options to all games in the casino. There are flashing lights and so much variety. You might not get the hang of blackjack, but you might wow the table when you’re playing Texas Hold em’.
  2. Learn the rules of the game.
    You don’t want to give the guy all of your chips at once. It’s better to take it slow and let him win the game over time. If he wins the game right off the bat, you will become less of a challenge. He will lose the fun of playing the game, that would just be cruel. You don’t want to pretend that you want casual sexwith him, when you don’t, because he will call your bluff. And you will feel like you have to sell your grandmothers blingy engagement ring to keep up with this fast pace.
  3.  Do not wear your poker face.
    This means to be your authentic self at all times, and bedazzle him with your smile.. Be the loving, lovable and real. If you are nervous on your first date, tell him so. It will break the ice, because he might be nervous and you can both have a good laugh about it.
