Don’t be a “Nice Guy?” (Why Nice Guys Finish Last!)

Don't be a "Nice Guy?" (Why Nice Guys Finish Last!)


This is the Real Reason Why “Nice Guys” Finish Last!

I’m going to do this video a little differently by telling a story about why nice guys finish last.

This is a fictional story based on numerous real-life situations I’ve seen over the decades.

If you’re new to my channel, my name is Anna Jorgensen, I help men decode modern women so you can find, attract & keep your keeper.

Before we get into the story, let’s look at what people mean when they refer to “typical nice guys” in a derogatory way.

They don’t mean genuinely kind, good-hearted men.

They mean a man who is nice because he has a hidden agenda with a self-serving purpose. Maybe even one he’s not consciously aware of.

You’ll see what I mean as we explore Eric’s story.

Eric’s Story Exploring Why Nice Guys Finish Last

Once upon a time, in the bustling city of Urbana, there lived a man named Eric.

Eric was the epitome of a “typical nice guy.”

He possessed all the traits that we think of as desirable.

He was considerate, polite, and always willing to go the extra mile for others, especially the women he was interested in.

However, these very qualities would lead him down a path to loneliness and bitterness.

Eric’s relationships always followed a familiar pattern I’m sure many of you have also experienced.

He’d meet a woman who caught his eye, and his heart would instantly flutter with hope.

He’d shower her with compliments, listen to her intently, and put her needs before his own.

But the women he pursued always distanced themselves or ditched him with the familiar, “It’s not you, it’s me.”

The truth is Eric’s excessive neediness was suffocating.

His lack of assertiveness and inability to communicate his desires left women feeling unfulfilled…

Because he never revealed his true thoughts and opinions, fearing rejection if he dared to disagree.

As a result, his relationships or attempts at relationships lacked excitement, and the absence of challenge made them grow stale.

Remember, I’m not the Creator, just the Decoder!

Eric’s self-confidence was fragile, and he constantly sought validation from others, particularly women.

His constant need for reassurance was burdensome, and the few girlfriends he did manage to date eventually found it draining to prop up his fragile self-esteem constantly.

Key Point!

Emotionally healthy women yearn for a man who believes in himself and has a strong sense of identity.

Eric’s passive-aggressive tendencies also played a part in his failures with women.

Instead of addressing his concerns directly, he’d stew in resentment, resorting to subtle jabs and sulking to express his frustrations like a child.

Key Point!

When a man acts like a child, a woman feels like a mother. Mother mode suppresses arousal mode.

His indirect, immature approach only pushed women away.

As the years went by, Eric found himself alone, bitter, and resentful toward all women in general.

He blamed them for his loneliness, failing to see how his own behaviours contributed to his situation.

Unable to understand why he was constantly left behind, Eric grew envious of couples who did find happiness in their relationships,

Over time, his bitterness seeped into every aspect of his life.

He became cynical, believing that all women were only interested in superficial traits and overlook genuine kindness.

Eric’s once-optimistic view of love had transformed into a jaded perspective and he was miserable.

In the video, I review the top 10 things “Typical Nice Guys” get wrong, then rewrite Eric’s story into a happy ending! 😉

Plus, you’ll learn the single most important thing you can do to stop feeling helpless, hopeless and to get your power back.

Watch now!

Beyond Why Nice Guys Finish Last


I originally created my WakeUP2Luv program for typical nice guys and shy guys.



If you want a more personalized step-by-step guide for how to develop traits women crave that you’ll respect in yourself and in an authentic way, get my WakeUP2Luv Program here… and do. the. work.

Nothing changes if nothing changes.

Nothing changes if you don’t (change).

I believe in you. You got this!

xo Anna
