Don’t Settle For Less: The Importance of Having a Good Sex Life



Millions of people struggle to achieve a good, balanced, and enjoyable sex life. This is a huge issue due to a variety of reasons. Sex life tends to be a taboo subject, even though it is a common part of daily life for many. Schools tend to have poor sex education classes, which have led to generations of people being poorly educated on this subject. Having a good sex life is healthy, and those who want to achieve this are valid. You deserve to have a quality sex life, despite what the toxic parts of society believe. The importance of having a good sex life is more essential than ever, so here is how to avoid settling for less.

The Benefits

There are an overwhelming amount of benefits you’ll receive when you have a thriving sex life. Here are some of the top benefits produced from quality sex.

  1. Exercise

Engaging in sexual intercourse is a great way to stay active while experiencing pleasure. Approximately five calories are burned for each minute of sexual activity. Having frequent sex with a partner or casual hook-up can help you stay more active.

  1. Reduces Stress

During sex, pleasure hormones are released which help to reduce stress. Your brain’s reward system is activated which both comforts and pleases you. Having a close bond with a partner further helps you cope with stress. Sexual intimacy allows people to achieve greater happiness. So, think of sex as a way to care for yourself; it truly is an escape from the worries we have each day.

  1. Improves Your Immune System

Studies have proven that those who have quality sex lives tend to rarely become sick. Sexually active individuals have a stronger immunity to germs by exposing themselves to the bodily fluids of others. It’s always important to remember to have safe sex as well to prevent yourself from contracting STDs, infections, and avoiding an unwanted pregnancy.

  1. Lower Blood Pressure & Heart Attack Risk

It has been shown that sex lowers overall blood pressure. This is due to sex helping with stress, and strengthening the physical health of people. A good sex life also reduces the risk of having a heart attack. It was covered previously that sex is a fantastic way to get more exercise. The more sex you have, the better your heart will be able to function. Intercourse raises your heart rate, so the more you have sex, the better trained your cardiovascular system will be. 

  1. Female Specific Benefits

There are specific benefits that those with female reproductive organs receive through sex. Women are able to strengthen their pelvic muscles each time they have sex. This helps them have better control over their bladder. Those who have a female reproductive system are also able to have weaker menstrual cramps, improved fertility, and reduced pain by having sex.

  1. Male Specific Benefits

Along with female-specific benefits, those with male reproductive organs also gain benefits through sex as well. Men who have more sex are less susceptible to prostate cancer. Regular sex also helps those with a male reproductive system to have a longer life expectancy.

These benefits aren’t gender-based (so it doesn’t matter how you identify), they are derived from the reproductive organs you have.

Prioritizing Your Sex Life

Not everyone is interested in having regular sex. There are even some people who wish to never have sex at all. If you want to have a good sex life, you must make it a priority. Don’t become involved in toxic relationships, or sexual encounters that will be harmful to you. Make sure you feel safe and comfortable with anyone you have sex with to prevent any incidents from occurring. It’s also important to make sure you and your sexual partner both listen to each other. It’s not fair to settle for a partner who won’t satisfy you. A big part of having a good sex life is ensuring that you are enjoying and receiving pleasure during sexual experiences. Sometimes, self-gratification is a great way to learn about what you like being done to your body. Masturbation is often looked down open, but it is honestly a great part of curating a healthy sex life. Make sure that you are getting everything you desire when it comes to sex. It’s possible to respect both yourself and others involved in your sex life without settling for less. 
