“Everything was great then she blocked me!” (True story)

"Everything was great then she blocked me!" (True story)


Everything was great then she blocked me! Wtf?

And now for something different…a true story about the all-too-common “everything was great then she blocked me” situation.

In this video, I reply to this comment from a Your Wingmam YouTube viewer:

“My ex-GF was with me all day on my birthday a week ago having fun and later sent a heartfelt and long message about how I made her life complete and she complimented me and talked sweetly, even adding the diamond ring and heart-eyes emojis and calling me her “forever”.

Then she left me and blocked me three days before her birthday, which was yesterday, acting like she had the time of her life on social media with family and friends. My birthday comes a week before hers, we are the same zodiac signs. We share a similar background and do similar activities. I have known her for four years.

There are four clues to what went awry in the first two paragraphs. Did you catch them all?

We used to call each other soulmates. We talked for an hour on the phone and everything seemed fine, no arguments, no abusive behaviour. I’m not a toxic person. I don’t abuse people or make demands. I treated her with respect, gave her love and support, and was faithful, but did tell her I had cheated on an ex over seven years ago…learned my lesson long ago.

She told me her mother was calling, and I asked if she would call back, she said she would try but never did. Does this mean she wanted to keep the door open as an option?

Did her mom really call? I give my thoughts in the video.

I really felt a connection with her. Originally, she always chased me. Every time she blocked me, I tried to reason with her but didn’t outright beg. I would send one long paragraph and then stop. Then go into NO Contact. Weeks later she would contact me.

I am not an egotistical person. I may joke about things that I’m good at, but I am not a jerk about it.

That being said, I told my ex-gf several times that I was there for her and she could talk to me. I told her I wanted to understand her better and hear about her feelings and thoughts, but her “excuse/reason” was she was not good at explaining things. Mind you, she has autism and a speech impairment. Though I’m not sure she has a speech impairment. For the most part, her speech is fine.”

Did you catch all the clues in these last few paragraphs that led to the outcome?

First, a big hug for this fellow, we can feel his pain, frustration, and disappointment.

Next, to find out what all the clues were, watch “She Blocked Me” here >> https://youtu.be/QjiLPRP8ev0 <<

And if you want feedback for a situation you’re struggling with, join the Wingmam Fam members area here, then leave a comment on any of my videos and I might create a video for you. (For your privacy, your name won’t be mentioned unless you put it in the comment.)

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