Free Luau Party Printables – Invite, Decor, & Games

Free Luau Party Printables - Invite, Decor, & Games


Host an Intimate Luau Party for Two

There’s something so intimate and sexy about a tiki room, isn’t there? Maybe it’s the sweet smell of pineapples and coconuts, the sound of Polynesian music, or the taste of ice-cold tropical drinks on a warm night. Either way, we are always up for the idea of an intimate luau party!

We’ve created a Hawaiian theme party for couples, complete with an invitation, luau food ideas, a tropical drink recipe, some fun decor, and a few fun games for you to try out! So, get ready to tropic like it’s hot and shake your palm palms because we’re having a sexy luau party for two!

Man and woman having fun during a sexy luau party for two | The Dating Divas
Couple enjoying an intimate luau party

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Table of Contents
  1. Host an Intimate Luau Party for Two
  2. Sexy Aloha Invitation
  3. Printable Menu
  4. Printable Straw Toppers
  5. Printable Fruit Banner
  6. Printable Luau Sign
  7. Hula Girl Hula Hoop Game
  8. Coconut Smoochie Game

Sexy Aloha Invitation

Of course, we had to include a steamy little invitation for you to give to your sweetie! You can leave this somewhere for them to find to let them know what’s in store for later. There’s no doubt about it … both you and your spouse will be dying to get lei’d in the tiki room by the end of the evening!

Free printable for a Hawaiian theme party invite | The Dating Divas
Hawaiian-themed party invitation

Leave this printable menu out for your spouse to see what’s on the menu tonight … besides “me ‘n u,” of course, 😉.

For some luau food ideas, you can choose to set out an assortment of tropical fruit for you and your hula man to snack on throughout the evening. Bananas, pineapple, oranges, or dried coconut slices are always good options!

In terms of beverages, mocktails are never a bad idea in our book! We’ve even included a yummy drink recipe for you to whip up for your tiki bar!

Blue Hawaiian Cocktail Recipe for a Luau Party:


  • Ice
  • 1 cup of Berry Blue Hawaiian Punch
  • 2/3 cup of pineapple juice
  • 2/3 cup lemon-lime soda
  • Pineapple slices or cherries for decoration


  • Fill each glass with ice. Pour ½ cup punch, ⅓ cup pineapple juice, and ⅓ cup lemon-lime soda into each glass. Stir to combine and garnish with pineapple and cherries.
Free printable menu for some luau food ideas | The Dating Divas
Luau food ideas for date night

Printable Straw Toppers

No Hawaiian theme party would be complete without fun and festive drinks, right?! You can even put your Blue Hawaiian mocktails into some tropical drink cups with drink umbrellas!

To make your tiki party even better, we’ve created some cute straw toppers you can print, cut, and attach to some colorful party straws.

Printable straw toppers as decor ideas for Hawaiian party | The Dating Divas
Decor ideas for Hawaiian party

Printable Fruit Banner

To add some extra flair to your intimate tiki bar, we have also created this festive fruit banner for you to use as a decoration! Just print, cut, and string them up on the wall. If you want to make your fruit banner even longer, you can easily opt to print those specific pages multiple times!

Man and woman enjoying an intimate tiki bar for two with free printables | The Dating Divas
Couple enjoying a tiki bar for two

Printable Luau Sign

You know those luau directional signs that you always see at the beach? Well, we made our own version … diva style! These printable signs have a festive and sexy vibe to them but in a slightly fun and comical way!

To assemble: you can attach them to a wooden dowel or some scrap wood you might already have at home. If you want to get real DIY with this one, old wrapping paper tubes would work just as well in a pinch!

Free printables for a luau party directional sign | The Dating Divas
Luau party directional sign

Hula Girl Hula Hoop Game

To end the night, we created two luau games that are also a bit steamy in nature! Whether you choose to play one or commit to playing both, you and your spouse are guaranteed to have some belly laughs as well as super intimate moments!

The first game, Hula Girl Hula Hoop, will require you both to have your own hula hoop! Both of you will begin hula-hooping at the same time. The first person to drop their hula hoop will have to remove one item of clothing. Continue until one of you is left with nothing else to remove … if you can last that long!

Man and woman enjoying Hawaiian-themed party ideas and games | The Dating Divas
Couple playing Hawaiian-themed party games

Coconut Smoochie Game

For the second game, you will first need to grab a full-sized coconut! You will stand face to face and place the coconut between each of you at waist level. The object of the game is to bring the coconut up to your mouth without using your hands! If you drop the coconut, you cannot pick it up with your hands!

P.S. Clothing is optional! 😉

Free printable game ideas for Hawaiian party for two | The Dating Divas
Game ideas for Hawaiian party

Okay, now that you have everything you need to host the most epic and intimate luau, what are you waiting for?! Grab those cute leis and yummy mocktails, and enjoy your sexy tiki room for two!

If you’re looking for more summer-themed ideas, check out our Summer page for some summery family activities, summer date ideas, free printables, and more! Or, if you want even more sexy ideas for a Hawaiian party, check out our Lei Day Hawaiian-Themed Bedroom Game!

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Sexy Luau for Two

Printables Designed by Courtney @ Paperelli Exclusively for The Dating Divas
