Get a Dating Coach in Austin

Get a Dating Coach in Austin


Setting Your Love Compass for South by Southwest

Austin – a great cultural oasis. Last year, it was actually named the #1 best dating city in America – its young population, online dating scene and plethora of dating venues helped Austin get a perfect score. It’s known as the Live Music Capital of the World, with its own unique soundtrack. A legendary nightlife scene, from bars to ballet, beckons for great dates. But if you’re not making beautiful music with someone, one way or another, you just might need a little accompaniment.

The dating scene in Austin has a reputation for being app-heavy. Not only that, but a lot of people you meet are going to want you to try their new app…or come hear their band. Starting at a place like Greenbelt or Barton Springs can eliminate a lot of guesswork in what they reveal about a person’s physical state, but seeing someone naked in a more soul and intellect-oriented way can be more challenging.

From big family barbecues to romantic strolls along the Riverwalk, there’s no shortage of opportunities to get to know someone better. And Austin is known for being more straightforward than some of its other urban competitors. So less game may be more game in this town that toggles between sophisticated and rustic. The good news is that there are plenty of interesting, eligible, and employed men interested in meeting women just like you. with a real future in mind. Once you realize that there is an abundance of options, you’re on your way.

Key Takeaways:

  • Define relationship goals and when to use a dating coach
  • Learn how to get the best dating coach in Austin
  • Get to know Evan Marc Katz and how he can help you get lasting love


Getting the best help

This is where a dating coach can make all the difference. Friends and family are great. They love you and want you to be happy, bless their hearts. But let’s face it, they have built-in biases, usually in your favor – A few might even be perceptive and honest enough to tell you the truth. But they’re not experts and they may only see a part of you. If you’re struggling to achieve those #relationship goals, it might be time to seek help from a professional dating coach in Austin.

A dating coach benefits from being objective and experienced. It’s his job to assess where you’re at, what’s not working in your love life, and what blind spots you have when it comes to choosing the wrong partner. He’s able to come up with a personalized and comprehensive plan to get you the unconditional love you deserve.

If you have self-esteem issues, you’ll work on confidence. If you struggle with online dating, you’ll work on your marketing and attracting higher-quality men. If you struggle with communication, you’ll discover how to set healthy boundaries with the men you’re seeing. By the time you’ve completed your time with them, you’ll have total clarity about what’s been holding you back, as well as the dating skills to trust your judgment. You’ll learn how to get a second date from a first date. how to talk to a guy, and how to save time by not wasting it on someone who isn’t the right person.

Evan Marc Katz, the World’s First Dating Coach

Here’s where Evan Marc Katz comes in. He’s been helping singles find love since 2003. He’s written four books on the subject, been featured in hundreds of high-profile media articles, from the New York Times to Oprah, won awards, and started a blog that’s been seen by 35 million people, a podcast that’s been downloaded 2 million times and founded a comprehensive course for women who want to understand men and find love, called Love U. Thousands of his clients have fallen in love, gotten married, and found lasting happiness.

His knowledge and experience are hard-earned. Early on in his coaching career, when he was still a bachelor, he was called a “serial dater” by CNN. It wasn’t until he began to follow his own advice that he became a better coach and, ultimately, a happily married man since 2008. That’s what makes him unique. He understands men – what they think, how they act, and what they really want. But the vast majority of his clients are smart, strong, successful women, who have everything but the man of their dreams. Evan’s passion is coaching and empowering his clients to make healthy choices and achieve their long-term relationship goals.

But don’t just take our word for it. Evan has been lauded and honored in the industry not only for his skill as a dating coach, winning the industry’s equivalent of the Oscar, but also for his books and his podcast. He’s the real deal. Not only the first but the best! In the process of helping everyone else, he finally realized he needed to do what he was telling everyone else to do – and he’s been happily married since 2008.

What kind of woman uses a dating coach?

You work hard. You look good. You’re financially independent. You keep busy with friends and family and love your life, but you still feel something’s missing. You’re tired of going to friends’ weddings, being home for the holidays without a partner, and seeing other couples post cute photos on social media. You have high standards, and you don’t want to settle on the wrong man. The question you can’t get out of your head is: why is it so hard to find a great guy you’re attracted to who treats you well and wants to commit to you?

And even though everyone would describe you as a great catch – attractive, intelligent, successful – dating, relationships, and men make you feel just a little bit insecure.

You’re afraid of abandonment.

You’re afraid of rejection.

You don’t feel confident.

You’ve ignored red flags.

You don’t trust your judgment

You’ve wasted too much time on the wrong men.

You feel like you have a bad man picker.

You’re conscious of getting older.

You wonder if there are any good men left out there.

You wonder if there’s something wrong with you.

You doubt that love is in the cards for you.

You’re afraid you’re going to die alone.

You can’t even picture yourself happily married because nothing has ever lasted.

Why use a dating coach?

Sometimes it’s a matter of bolstering your self-confidence, uncovering limiting beliefs that may have held you back, or figuring out why it’s so hard to find and sustain a romantic relationship. Whatever you need to achieve success, Evan’s coaching services are full of success stories involving awesome women in LA, New York, Chicago, and other great cities around the world.

The key here is that while dating advice is plentiful, everyone’s dating experience is different. You are unique. Your entire life has led up to this moment. Your past continues to shape your dating world. When you work one on one with the best dating coach, you’re getting a customized experience, the bespoke approach to your love life and its challenges. When you talk, your coach listens with a focus on your personal relationship goals.

What makes Evan Marc Katz different from other Seattle dating coaches?

  • He’s literally the first dating coach, having started his business in 2003.
  • He’s a man who answers women’s questions about what good men really think.
  • He has more success stories/weddings than many other dating coaches have clients. 
  • He gives more free info (newsletter, blog, podcast, YouTube) than just about anyone, and his blog, podcast, and social media get hundreds of thousands of views each month.
  • He’s been very happily married for 14 years, but he’s not too old to remember being single.
  • He has primarily been a West Coast dating coach but has coached women ages 24-80 from all over the world.
  • He’s a coach, not a businessman. He wants to have personal relationships with all his clients. He’s hands-on and over-delivers.

How To Hire a Dating Coach

Anyone can call themselves a dating coach. While the internet is a great tool with which to search, you’re going to want to search for reviews about the coach and check their experience and qualifications. There will be face-to-face and online options, one-on-one, and those that feature an extended program with a full range of services.

Having a virtual, online coach is especially easy and convenient. City traffic is no longer an issue, nor is the availability of a coach in less-populated Texas areas further out from Austin. Working with a coach from the comfort of your home can allow you to relax and be more honest.

In Evan’s case, he has been doing this since 2003 and has well-established reviews and references. You’ll want to look for someone with a similar background – a combination of deep roots in this particular kind of counseling and the personal skills and dedication that really focus on you and your needs.

Important signs that you’re ready to hire a dating coach:

  • You’re already doing online dating.
  • You have endured multiple toxic relationships.
  • You don’t feel confident in your social or dating skills.
  • You haven’t dated in a while and find modern dating daunting and confusing.
  • Your time is valuable.
  • Your self-esteem is not what it could be.
  • You’re less interested in dating than you are in finding The One.
  • You find yourself being unsure of what it is you really want.
  • You’re ready to settle down, but not to settle.

Is a dating coach worth it? Do they really work?

There’s plenty of evidence that they work. Take some time and read the glowing reviews from women who have found their life partners with coaching services. If you’re ready to find a life partner, it’s important to make it a higher priority than a lot of other ways you could spend your time and money.

But sometimes, we’re not rational about where we dedicate our resources. What’s more important? A European vacation or your happiness for the next 35 years? A new bathroom or someone to take care of you for the rest of your life? Don’t sell yourself short. You deserve happiness, and sometimes it takes a professional to help you get there.

What to expect out of your dating coach?

Since dating coaching is a relatively recent development – and since you’re curious about the process, here are a few FAQs about what it’s like to get coaching services from Evan Marc Katz.

What is Love U?

Love U is a one-stop-shop to teach you everything you need to know about dating, relationships, and men. This great program contains video/audio/transcripts/exercises for 6 monthly modules.

  • Month 1: Confidence
  • Month 2: Meeting Men
  • Month 3: Dating
  • Month 4: Understanding Men
  • Month 5: Relationships
  • Month 6: Commitment

In addition, to six months of unique content, you get access to 6 months of group coaching with Evan Marc Katz and 6 months of support and Q&A in the Love U community – so that you can learn to trust your judgment with men once and for all.

By the time you graduate from Love U, you will make smart, healthy decisions that allow you to get the love you deserve — ideally without further coaching.

I’m a busy woman with lots of previous obligations. How much time will Love U take?

In each week of Love U, there are an average of 25-35 minutes of videos on different relationship topics. Which is why Evan says to give him 5 minutes a day, and he will give you a husband.

What happens on the Love U Live group coaching calls?

While Love U is a video-based curriculum, you get the best results when you can ask questions, get support, and have Evan hold your hand through this process.

This is why you get:

6 months of live coaching calls, where you can meet other smart, strong, successful women who are going through the same Love U process. Whether you or not you ask questions in the live sessions, you will learn tons from our epic Q&As.

If you have a work conflict or are in a different time zone that prevents you from attending, each coaching call is posted privately inside Love U the next day so you can watch, listen, and take notes.

6 months in the Love U Community, where you can get assistance from me and hundreds of other smart women. Seriously. Ask a question about the guy you just started dating, and dozens of women (and Evan) will give you a Love U-approved perspective – so you don’t have to rely on your mom or your friend who gave up on men for relationship advice.

Combine the videos and exercises with the coaching calls and community, and you have a first-class version of Love U.

What Are You Waiting For?

Like the old joke that “now” is never the right time to buy a computer, NOW is exactly the right time to enlist some assistance. If you’ve asked yourself in the past year what it is you’re doing wrong, why your dating and love life isn’t satisfying, and where that great guy is hiding, you’re ready. You may know what you want; you may also recognize that you don’t know how to get it. Relationship coaches can help you develop the tools to ensure success.

Online dating and the swipe-right/swipe-left culture of cities like Austin can feel so impersonal and overwhelming without the helpful support of someone who knows what this scene is like from the inside out. Ghosting, breadcrumbing, cuffing, zombieing – or just going on a series of disappointing dates can make you lose interest in the entire process.

When you join the thousands of single women who’ve found love by talking to a dating expert, you’ll wonder why you didn’t do it sooner. Former clients often say they can’t believe that it took them so long to seek a dating coach. Like you, they may have thought that they could do it themselves. The years passed, and things were the same. Sometimes, they had to hit rock bottom: The end of a long relationship. The loss of a parent. An empty nest. A big birthday – realizing you’re turning 40, 50, or 60. You don’t want to wait until that point; you want to do something proactive to ensure better relationships now.

Defining Dating and Relationship Goals

A neutral party like Evan only has your relationship’s success in mind. It’s literally his business. He’s likely to present ideas you hadn’t previously considered. Coaching services are designed to reveal the things most people – including you – have been ignoring. It’s only a matter of time before you start to notice that the single men in your life can be sorted out differently. Or that the issues you’ve been having a hard time with may have simple answers when an objective professional looks at your dating life from a different perspective.

Dating experts offer more than silly cliches and “rules.” They talk to you about who you really are and what you really want. This is a powerful place to begin. To find love, you must define those specific needs that are non-negotiable. You must also ensure that you’re spending your time wisely in terms of who you are dating and whether they’re single men who are really available for what you want and need. Men approach women for all kinds of reasons – with a coach, you’ll learn how to attract a guy for the right ones. An Austin dating coach can even lead you to new people that you may not previously have considered.

Let a coach get you in the game

If you’re still not convinced, think about whether you’re really satisfied with your Austin dating experience. If you’ve been doing it yourself, with a little advice from friends and family, and you’re still not getting what you want, then what have you got to lose?

For Evan, and coaches like him, your successful love life is the biggest reward. You’d call in a professional if other things in your life were broken – a car, a sink, a window. But sometimes, we don’t think something that can be a life-changing experience is worth that investment. Don’t sell yourself short. You deserve happiness, and sometimes it takes a professional to help you get you from point A to point B – as in Better opportunities for a successful romantic life.

Whether it’s navigating the complicated landscape of online dating, honing your dating skills and interpersonal tools, finding the right person – the guy you truly deserve, or getting the best possible advice on how to get them to commit, a dating coach can be the best investment you can make in yourself and your future. Austin is a big place, full of complicated relationships. Guidance from a coach like Evan can make it manageable. If you’re a woman who wants to make her dreams come true, begin your dating journey now. Transform your romantic life …with a little help. It’s a date.
