How do Working Moms Do It All?

How do Working Moms Do It All?


How do Working Moms do it All?

I remember being so excited the day I was finally able to be a stay-a-home mom. Three kids later, I think I was just as excited to go back to work. There are definite pros and cons to working or staying home, but one thing is for certain: either way, parents spend a lot of time juggling. Achieving that work life balance is an ongoing process. If you’re like me and going back to work felt like a (very guilty) breath of fresh air, I’m here to give my fellow working moms some great news: you aren’t going to drown. Balancing work and motherhood can be difficult, but it can also be so rewarding.

If you’re looking for some tips for juggling everything, you’ve come to the right place! We will discuss how to take care of yourself, your kids, and your marriage, all while being a happily working mom.

Working moms juggle kids and work on a daily basis. | The Dating Divas
Woman works at a computer from home and tries to achieve a good work life balance.

Taking Care of Yourself

Don’t worry, I promise not to use the words “treat yourself” anywhere in this section. (Except for right there… whoops.) Raise your hand if you’ve ever been in the car, taken all your kids to a gas station bathroom, and then been back out on the road before you realized you needed to use the bathroom too?

Let’s be honest, sometimes motherhood feels a bit like martyrdom. It can be thankless and difficult and exhausting and all those hard things. But I don’t have to tell you that it is also the most rewarding thing in the world, the best title you’ve ever had, and totally worth it–even on the very worst days.

What’s amazing to me is how forgiving my kids are, even when I’m at my wits’ end and I totally lose it. I’ll let you know how this changes when they are teenagers, but I can say for certain that they actually believe it when they tell me I’m the best mom ever.

How do working moms juggle everything on their plates? | The Dating Divas
Working mom tries to work and parent at the same time.

So, let’s toss the guilt for what we feel we’re not doing or what we’re doing wrong. If you’ve made it this far reading about how you can improve, then I think it’s safe to say you’re trying your hardest. Take a moment to try to see yourself through your child’s eyes.

When things still feel stressful, don’t forget to take some time for yourself. Go for a drive, walk around the store, or simply lock yourself in the bathroom to paint your nails. Recharge your batteries and you will be better prepared to give more of yourself to those adorable people that live in your house.

To recap, when it comes to being a working mom and still taking care of yourself, remember:

  • Ditch the mom guilt.
  • Believe your kids… you are an awesome mom!
  • Make time for yourself.

Taking Care of Your Kids

Somehow taking care of kids is both always the problem and never the problem. Kids always seem to need something, and moms spend all day taking care of their children’s needs. However, adding a job into the mix complicates things really quickly. I will be the first to say that I can’t parent the same way when I work as I could when I stayed at home. Sometimes I feel as if I traded in the extra cuddles and creative activities to get a little of my sanity back.

It’s unavoidable that your time is going to be much more valuable when there are so many demands for it. So, set a schedule. Prioritize the things that really matter, and forget the rest. Ask for help wherever you can. Can your spouse take over planning dinner or more of the household chores?

Don’t forget that kids can help too! There are some incredible benefits to allowing your children to do chores and contribute to the household. You can teach them valuable life skills while also delegating some tasks that will free up your time.

These tips can help you find work life balance in motherhood. | The Dating Divas
Mom bakes with her two kids to spend special time with them.

For some, this may mean lowering your expectations a little bit. Maybe there is an extra night between baths, or the carpets don’t get vacuumed quite as often. That’s OK. You have to decide what things are most important to you and fit them into your life.

Spending quality time with each kid is also so important. It doesn’t mean you have to schedule elaborate kid dates every week. Simply look for opportunities to spend one-on-one time with your kiddos. Maybe that means taking one to the grocery store with you or letting another stay up late to watch a show and cuddle together on the couch. It doesn’t take much to create a bond and memories with your children that will last forever.

If you have little ones at home, utilize naptime every single day. They say to know when to choose your battles. Well, I say keeping naptime a part of your schedules for as long as humanly possible is one of those battles worth fighting. Armor up, men! Uh, I mean, moms! Naps mean happier kids, less tantrums, and more time to accomplish all those other tasks on your list.

So, what are our top tips for taking care of your kids as a working mom?

  • Set a schedule
  • Prioritize what things are most important to you
  • Delegate tasks
  • Let kids help too
  • Set expectations
  • Quality time with each kid
  • Guard naptimes

Taking Care of Your marriage

It should come as no surprise that we here at The Dating Divas believe protecting your marriage is one of those important balls you can’t drop. We also know that when life gets stressful, it’s often one of the first things to be forgotten. That’s why we’re going to keep this section very simple and say: make date night a priority.

Weekly date nights feels like one of those simple, too-good-to-be-true answers. But simply setting aside intentional time for each other in the midst of your busy lives will help keep you close.

Don't forget as moms we need to prioritize our marriages as well. | The Dating Divas
Couple spends a date night out on the town, a nice break for moms and dads.

Here are some of our very favorite dates that you can put on your schedule. If you aren’t already, give weekly date nights a try and see if it doesn’t have a positive impact on your entire family.

  • YouTube Date Night– This sweet, romantic stay-at-home date is the perfect way to connect with your spouse while the kids watch a movie in the other room.
  • Deal or No Deal for the Bedroom– This spicy date night is such a fun way to spend time together.
  • Group Water Sports Date– This fun group date is a great way to go spend time with other adults, and it includes free printable activities for the babysitter to do at home with the kiddos!
  • Build Your Own Pizza– The perfect family date night that kids will be totally into! Plus, we’ve included ideas for special alone time for mom and dad.
  • Fun Bowling Ideas– Get everybody out of the house for a classic date night with a fun, diva-style twist!
  • Spouse Scattergories– A clever and fun way to spend some time together at home!

And of course, we have so many other wonderful date nights on our site that we can’t recommend highly enough! Be sure to check them out, and put some on your schedule this month. We promise you won’t regret it.

What Now?

The truth is, none of us can do it all. But we can do what we need and want to do really well. We believe working moms don’t have to give up the things that are truly important to them in order to achieve a fulfilling work life balance. Try implementing some of these tips, and find what works best for you and your family. You’ve got The Dating Divas rooting for you the whole way!
