How to Attract A High Value Man

How to Attract A High Value Man


Attracting a guy is easy. Finding and attracting a HIGH VALUE MAN, on the other hand, is anything but easy. Luckily, we have the answer to the “How to Attract A High Value Man?” dilemma in four easy-to-follow steps. 

Table of Contents

1. What is A High Value Man? 

2. Four Ways to Attract A High Value Man 

  1. Date with Clear Intentions 
  2. Self- Love 
  3. Talk from the Heart, not the Head 
  4. Stop bending yourself like a pretzel 

3. Conclusion 

What is A High Value Man?

First things first; who is a high value man and why would we so desperate to attract him?

Unlike the hesitant, unreliable, emotionally unavailable, or player type of men who cross our paths regularly, a high value man would have the following traits: 

  • He knows exactly what he wants in his partner. 
  • He is able to express his emotions, needs and boundaries clearly, leaving no room for guessing games. In other words, he is direct not aloof. 
  •  He is more likely to have a secure attachment style. 
  • He values relationships. 
  • He thinks highly of both himself and others. 
  • He is trustworthy, reliable and consistent in his behavior. 
  • He is able to trust and rely on others. 
  • He sticks to his values. 
  • He listens. 
  • He takes accountability for his life and choices, rather than play victim. 

Four Ways to Attract A High Value Man

1. Date with Clear Intentions

A common thing single people say is that they want to meet their love match organically. What does this mean? They want to run into them in the street, maybe, catch their eye across a room, maybe bump into them in the break room at work, or join a co-ed sports league with single people on their team. They want love at first sight. Sure, that happens sometimes. But it requires luck and incredible timing. And you have to be emotionally ready. Otherwise, you’ve missed your chance. Besides the fact that 4 out of 5 women who took Our Signature Programs attracted a satisfying romantic relationship that fits their unique criteria for quality, longevity, and commitment, new research shows that 70% of Hinge users are interested in going on ‘digital dates.” has seen a 700 percent increase in users. In other words, don’t leave your dating and love life to luck and wishful thinking, devise a plan in the same way you would plan your career or vacation. Since birds of a feather flock together, like the high value man, get crystal clear about what you want in your partner and your values by writing them down. 

2. A Little Bit of Self-Love Goes a Long Way

Our energy leaks to those around us, without us realizing. so putting on a brave face and going on a date will not fool anyone. You have to start working on yourself from within. 

To truly love yourself and radiate more confidence; 

  • Try spending some time on you and what you love doing the most. 

(Get out your calendar and book time now to be in action of what you want. Spend 20 minutes answering emails online. Sign up for a coed virtual cooking class. Download a five minute meditation and quiet the chatter in your head so that you can take a moment to appreciate the little things that are going right in your life to create a more positive mindset. ) 

  •  Plan & enjoy your little wins 

(We all have that one task or one thing  that we excel at with little effort on our part. Capitalize on that to build your confidence. Whether it’s a famous recipe that you kill every time, a task at work that no one can do like you, or doing a 100 pushups, do something you’re good at and enjoy your little wins.) 

  • Have a strong support system 

(The way we feel about ourselves is sometimes a reflection of how others around us perceive us, so always surround yourself with people who truly love and support you & be clear about your boundaries.)   

3. Talk from the Heart, Not the Head

According to scientist Amy Cuddy, humans, including the men you might want to date, are evaluating a person instantly based on two things: warmth and competence. However, what might surprise you is that if you turn up your open heartedness, and demonstrate that first, the men you are interested in will experience you as more trustworthy and then assume your competence! Without letting down your guard and conveying warmth, men might just be missing out on seeing how awesome and smart and accomplished you are. When you take concrete steps to let down your guard and unwind some of the fears you have that you might get hurt or disappointed, you will amplify your attraction factor and be more likely to create a romantic connection.

4. Stop Bending Yourself Like A Pretzel

The greater the gap between who you truly are and who you think you need to be to get him to like or love you, the more emotional, physical and mental energy you will be investing. And as a result, the emotional labor it takes to be our best self on a date then becomes so great that we lose the ability to be present. When we get self-conscious, we spend time in our head, which can be experienced as aloof or masculine or even needy. If you can’t affirm yourself to yourself and show up in a place of enthusiasm for being on the date, confident, and passionate about your life, men may sense that there isn’t chemistry and that ‘forced’ feeling you are putting out there will ultimately result in losing out on an awesome opportunity with a great man.


Bottom line? While it’s easy to blame the universe for the men we meet, truth is we are responsible for those men being in our lives. We unconsciously attracted them and we’ll keep doing that, unless we start being accountable and taking responsibility for our part. Attracting a High Value Man starts with you being the best version of yourself and emanating honesty, confidence, open heartedness, stability and femininity. 

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