How To Be Feminine To Capture The Heart Of A Masculine Man

how to be feminine


Wondering how to be feminine? Discover seven ways to capture the attention and heart of a masculine, successful man with your feminine charm.

Why Is Femininity So Vital?

how to be feminine When it comes to a man with a strong masculine vibe, he’s likely to be successful, decisive and a leader. This kind of man is very attractive for so many women. And, he’s the type who is naturally attracted to a feminine woman.

What Is Feminine Charm?

A woman with feminine charm is comfortable in her own skin and confident. She knows how to access her softer side and leverage her allure.

Her Inner Goddess is not slumbering. She is deeply connected to her “queen” energy and relies on femininity to get noticed by high caliber men.

Where Does Femininity Come From?

Some women come by their feminine skills naturally. They learned from mothers, sisters, or girlfriends or the skill is innate.

For other women, especially those with extensive business success can tend to struggle. The reason? Because they are more comfortable using their masculine energy like at work.

Harnessing masculine energy gets stuff done! This is the same as being a chick in charge. Yet, that’s how you know you’re not using your femininity which is more intuitive, creative, and collaborative.

That’s OK, both sides of you are valuable and important.

While many women don’t see the point of being more feminine and even feel its demeaning, if you want a masculine man, it’s time to rethink that. As a woman, your feminine nature allows you to relate and interact more easily with quality guys.

If you are starting to wonder how to be more feminine for guys, we’ll be getting to that soon.

Discounting Your Feminine Nature

When you deny your feminine nature, you’ll miss out on one of the greatest assets you have as a woman. You may feel more comfortable and confident with your masculine business skills.

However, that won’ capture a man’s attention. In fact, it causes men to see you as a competitor, rather than a woman to date.

You will not capture a man’s romantic interest or spark any chemistry if you ignore your feminine side. This is how you end up in the “friend zone.”

Chemistry and Femininity Are Linked

how to be more feminine for guysSexual tension stems from the differences between feminine and masculine energy. The magnetic pull between opposites creates attraction.

So, when you take charge by asking him out or asking to see him again at the end of a date, these actions dissolve all the tension! That’s not what you want is it?

Your actions to get the ball rolling with a man can be a major turnoff if he’s a masculine leader who likes to be in charge himself.

At this many women shift to asking about shy guys. Stop thinking men are shy! If a man wants to date you, he will ask you out.

Don’t do his job for him. Be willing to walk away if he doesn’t initiate because that’s how you know he’s not really that into you. He’s not shy, he’s just not interested or he would take that next step with you.

How to Be Feminine – 7 Simple Ways

Ready to amp up your femininity and discover how to be more feminine for guys? It’s surprisingly easy!

1) Nurture Inner Beauty

Most of your beauty is based on how you feel about yourself which is an inside job! Take time for yourself if you want to raise your feminine charm. A woman who pampers herself is a woman who feels good about herself.

I’m not talking about plastic surgery or even fillers. Not at all! For instance, you might get more sleep, take time for self-reflection writing in your journal, or meditate. Maybe you prefer to workout, do yoga, or start a creative project.

Think about what nurtures your soul and alleviates stress, and you’ll be on your way to greater inner beauty.

2) Tend to Outer Beauty

Every woman has her own sense of beauty. Yet, that can always be enhanced! Get a hair cut that makes you feel fabulous. Wear at least some basic makeup like mascara, blush and lip gloss.

Choose clothing colors and styles that make the most of your assets. When you take time to work on your outer beauty, your confidence builds. And that’s how to be feminine and what makes you more attractive to a masculine guy.

3) Live with Beauty

You deserve to live in a beautiful place. If you’re wondering how to be feminine, one solution is to clean your home and clear your clutter. Then you’ll be free to enjoy your décor and the lovely space you’ve created.

Buy yourself some flowers and decorate with houseplants. Turn your abode into your own gorgeous personal spa.

Your home is a reflection of who you are and how you feel about yourself. When you surround yourself with beauty, you are naturally more connected to your feminine energy.

4) Enrich Your Life

When you are passionate about something, you become a more interesting woman. Learn a new language, how to salsa dance, or grow an indoor garden. Cook unique food from exotic places, develop your intuition or get into photography.

Enriching your life helps you build confidence and feel good about yourself. Plus, it gives you more to talk about when you meet new men. Like you, a quality man appreciates a woman with interests, passion and her own full life.

When asking how to be more feminine for guys, create a life you love and you’ll be on your way.

5) Become Hospitable

how to be more feminine for guysHospitality is the art of making others feel comfortable. In the past,  women to excelled in this because it was expected.

How does this apply to being feminine today? Think about how to help a man feel more comfortable around you. When you are gracious, fun, light-hearted and easy to please, you are easy to be with.

As a result, a man feels good around you and this is how he chooses who he wants to spend time with! Allow your feminine charm to flourish and be the kind of woman who is a remarkable date. This is how to be feminine.

6) Sharpen Conversation Skills

The biggest piece of being a good conversationalist is learning to listen. Don’t worry much about what you are going to say. Instead, pay attention to the man you are with and what he says. Ask him questions to clarify or learn more about what he’s saying.

Then if you have something to add from your life on this topic, go right ahead. This is how you build a strong connection and how to be more feminine for guys.

If you practice your listening skills, rather than gushing about your life, you will get to know men better and give them a chance to shine.

7) Leave Some Mystery

You may pride yourself on being authentic and that has it’s benefits. However, the old adage “less is more” is equally true. There’s no need to spill your guts on a first date, phone call, or messaging before you meet. You want him to to be curious and wonder a little about you.

This is especially true regarding your current dating experience or past lovers. Leave out details and change the subject even if your date asks questions like this.

This information is not right for the start of dating and should be shared on a “need to know basis.” Wait to see if he’s worthy of knowing your private stories. You’ll get to sharing about past lovers and what went wrong soon enough. Up front, let a man see only the best parts.

The trouble is, there is no way to know ahead of time what might turn a man off about you. So, be smart and keep quiet about your love history. A little restraint allows a man to be curious. Being mysterious is fabulously magnetic!

Attract a Masculine Man

There you have it – how to be feminine and seven ways to capture the heart of a masculine man. These suggestions are fairly simple and easy to do. And you’ll enjoy doing them all as well.

What’s good for improving your life and confidence will also make you practically irresistible! Imagine that – you can be an irresistible woman. Now that you have these simple suggestions about how to be more feminine for guys, go for it and let me know how it works in the comment section below.

Learn more about how to attract the successful, masculine man of your dreams with Flirt School!

Single for too long, Ronnie wanted to find love. She put her skills from personal development and her spiritual path to work, dating 30 men in 15 months to meet her adorable husband Paul. Discovering the keys to manifesting and midlife dating, she founded It’s Never Too Late to help smart, successful women find love or live an empowered and magical life. Ronnie Ann Ryan, MBA, CCC, is a Certified Coach who has helped 1,000s of midlife women with her Love & Magical Life Coach services. She’s the host of the Breathe Love & Magic podcast and has been featured on NBC, ABC, & Fox News, NPR, BBC, eHarmony,, and Connecticut Magazine among others. Also, Ronnie is the author of 6 books which are available on Amazon.
