How to Find the Man Who Loves, Accepts and Cherishes You

How to Find the Man Who Loves, Accepts and Cherishes You


You may get really down that you’re still without that deep, lasting love you seek.

You may get really frustrated when you see other couples holding hands at the movies.

You may get really self-conscious when you see happy families walking down the street.

Yes, sometimes single life can be a drag, but it’s my job to remind you that these very markers of what you don’t have are ALSO the reason to brighten up.

They prove that there ARE good men out there and that love IS possible – no matter how hard it feels for you to achieve it.

Which is why I want to begin your day by spreading some good springtime cheer.

Every day, for the past few weeks, the momentum has been building.

The Pyramid of Love to teach you about the six pillars of Love U.

6 video tips about how to be the kind of woman men find irresistible.

The inspirational stories of Love U graduates who found love quickly.

The Facebook Live on how you can attract better men and get the right one to commit.

The women who have already enrolled in Love U so that they can transform from fearful and frustrated to abundant and optimistic.

Everywhere I go, I feel your good vibes:

My blog. My inbox. Endless heartfelt notes from women around the world who let me know that Love U and my coaching is working for them.

There are millions of smart, strong, successful women like you who have everything except for a man to share your life with.

There are millions of smart, strong, successful women like you who have everything except for a man to share your life with.

I want you to have that big, great love you’ve always desired and I will do everything in my power to help you get it.

In Love U, I’ve ensured that your success is all but guaranteed.

Each week, you will receive weekly video coaching that walks you through my curriculum in only 5 minutes per day.

Each week, you will do a short exercise designed to put your coaching into practice.

Each week, you will join me on a live Q&A to ask me questions about your love life.

Each week, you will connect in a private community with other likeminded women to find support and friendship on this most important journey.

Each week, you will get one step closer to finding the ultimate relationship.

Having taken thousands of women through Love U, here’s what I expect you’ll say to me when you’ve graduated.

Your coaching has completely changed my worldview and my behavior when it comes to men, dating and relationships.  I had tried online dating prior to finding your site and had a bunch of first dates and a handful of 3-5 month “relationships.” The lessons you taught me helped me be a more successful dater and, even more importantly, helped changed my perspective about the dating process.  I learned that “no man is real until he’s your boyfriend” and “men do what they want.”  Whereas I used to take it personally and really feel the sting of rejection when a guy I had been emailing with or went on a first date with didn’t contact me again, you taught me that this is just part of the dating process and any number of factors could have contributed to his not continuing the conversation, it didn’t mean that I was a bad person, boring or unattractive, like I used to think.

I’m happy to say that after putting your principles into practice and changing my mindset, a little over a year ago, I met an amazing man through an online dating site.  We enjoyed our time with each other from the beginning, but I kept reminding myself to lean back, have fun, and let things progress in a natural course so that I didn’t rush things like I had in the past.  Now we are deeply in love and planning our future together. I always thought that I would have to settle for someone less than what I wanted or be alone. But he is a better man than even I could have dreamed up, and even though on paper he isn’t exactly what I envisioned as my “perfect” man – he’s divorced with 3 children – he is the kindest, most thoughtful, and attentive man I’ve ever dated.  He truly loves me for me, accepts me just as I am and tells me and shows me so on a regular basis.  And I feel exactly the same way about him!

Evan, I know that I could not have gotten here without your invaluable advice.  The passion and caring that you put into your clients, the coaching calls, and your posts is incredible and I am so thankful that I found you. You have made an immense impact on my life.

 -Tiffany S.

This is what you get when you enroll in Love U.

Joy. Love. Acceptance. A brand new reality to look forward to every day.

If you want it all, do not delay.

I am only taking women who are serious about finding love.

This special opportunity for coaching closes on Sunday, May 12th so apply now.

This year, you deserve everything life has to offer.

I can’t wait to help you gain power and control over your destiny.

Now go out and get it!

Warmest wishes and much love,

Your friend,


P.S. If you want live coaching and personal attention from me so that you can be in love at this same time next year, click on this link and fill out an application.

If you’re qualified, you can set up a free strategy session with a Love U team member who will make a custom recommendation on what you should do next.

Let’s make this the last year you’re EVER single!
