How To Know If You’re Dating A PROMISCUOUS Woman! 9 Stunning Signs!

How To Know If You're Dating A PROMISCUOUS Woman! 9 Stunning Signs!


How To Know If You’re Dating A PROMISCUOUS Woman! 9 Stunning Signs!

… and one sign she’s really and truly reformed!

How to know if you’re dating a promiscuous woman is critical, whether you’re just getting to know her or already dating her.

She may seem wholesome but if she’s spent a lot of time in Hoeville there’s a much greater risk she’ll cheat on you and crush your soul like an evil demon!

The fact is slutty clothing, provocative behaviour, and sexual activity are not the only reliable indicators of Slutsville.

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Let’s look at 9 signs she might still be a member of the In & Out Club aka…

How to Know If You’re Dating a Promiscuous Woman

And, what to look for to know for sure she’s packed her bags on Tramp Town and might, just maybe, be worth the effort.

Are you interested in or suspect you’re dating a promiscuous woman?

It can be difficult to know if she’s promiscuous, especially if she doesn’t really look the part or tries to hide her behaviour.

Well, here are nine stunning signs that may be indicators of a promiscuous woman, as well as one sign that she might be reformed.

The more of these signs you see, the more likely you’re dating a promiscuous woman.

1. She admits to cheating but blames the guy.

If she’s been unfaithful in the past and blames it all on the guy, even if he actually was a jerk, rather than taking responsibility for her actions, this can be a sign of a more promiscuous woman.

At a minimum, she should be able to own up to her choice to cheat instead of working on the relationship or leaving.

If she can’t admit that she’s not ready to take responsibility where she can and should.

And she’s at high risk to justify cheating on the next guy she’s with if he does something “wrong” in her eyes.

2. She has had a lot of one-night stands.

It’s one thing if she’s been with more than one guy in semi-long term relationships, with breaks in between—aka no cheating.

But a string of one-night stands shows you a girl who’s not looking for any kind of commitment or long-term relationship.


She’s indoctrinated by pro-hoe feminism and is emotionally damaged goods, traits shared by many promiscuous women.

She doesn’t have high standards for who has access to her body or even brags about her high body count.

If she’s proud of a high-body count, you can count on not being her last conquest.

This brings us to…

3. She’s not as selective about her partners as she should be.

Ok, so what about if she’s had a string of shorter-term relationships but has had breaks in between?

She picks up a guy and dates him for a few weeks or maybe even months but then breaks up with him and finds a new guy the next weekend.

If she never really takes into consideration who she brings home or engages in sex with…

This could be another sign that she’s a slllll….oppy second and you’re dating a promiscuous woman who will punt you soon.

This next one may also disappoint you…

4. She talks about sex a lot!

While talking openly about sex isn’t bad, if a woman you just met talks about it too often it could mean she’s reeling you in but it can also mean she’s promiscuous.

Gentlemen, I’ve got news for you…

Whatever she says to you, she’s used on other men, too. Maybe a lot of other men.

Slutty women know men who like sex and also like to talk about sex.

Every new courtship needs some sexual tension and flirty innuendo at the beginning, but if she skips straight ahead to explicit conversations or sharing photos she wouldn’t want her parents to see…

… she might be a promiscuous woman who may not be ready for something more emotionally deep and fulfilling.

Now, let’s look at one of the most insidious ways to know you’re dating a promiscuous woman…

5. She hooks up with you on the first date!

Hooking up quickly without actually getting to know someone first is way more common nowadays but it still remains an indicator of someone who places little importance on developing relationships before engaging in sexual activities.

She may say you’re special, but if she did it with you, she’s done it with others.

And maybe you are that special guy she falls in love with, but you won’t really know if you start your relationship between the sheets.

Especially if…

6. She doesn’t care if people think she’s promiscuous!

Even though modern feminism will tell you promiscuity isn’t wrong, many women still feel embarrassed by such behaviour and many men don’t consider it a valuable character trait for a long-term relationship.

So if she outright takes pride in it and doesn’t care what other people think she may be someone who leads a much freer sexually active lifestyle.

Now, if she’s hung up her hoe shoes, maybe this won’t matter to you.

But if not, and you are ready to settle down without settling, then you could be in for a world of hurt.

This next one is kind of sneaky.

7. She dresses slutty—sometimes!

This one may seem obvious, but not always.

Maybe she dresses conservatively most of the time, but provocatively when she goes out with you on dates.


How she chooses to dress can often play into how much attention she’s looking for from other men, not just wanting to look hot for you.

If she’s a slob when it’s just you and her at home, but she’s sexually maxed out fashion-wise when you go out or when she goes out with her girlfriends—red flag!

And whether or not she’s actually sending signals that she’s open to sex with other men, if your partner chooses clothing that is overly revealing or provocative, it could suggest she’s promiscuous…

… especially if you’ve asked her to tone it down or suggested you prefer a more sexy but classy look.

And if she’s doing that for other guys, she might be doing this next one.

8. She flirts with other men in front of you…

…but says she’s just being friendly or has a bubbly personality.

Or maybe she is so subtle about it, she simply tries to catch other men’s gaze, and even though it looks innocent, your gut’s telling something.

And it ain’t good!

Dude, listen to your gut.

Her flirting with other men suggests someone who needs to feel desired by other men.

A woman like this can’t or won’t commit themselves romantically or sexually to you, even if she assures you otherwise.

Guaranteed she’s got a list of other guys on the side she’s flirting with as her backup plan or maybe even as a side thing.

And on that note…

9. She hides her phone from you and has it locked.

Of course, it’s natural early in dating to expect privacy, but if you’re heading toward exclusivity and there are a lot of these other signs present, you might want to pay attention to that.

While hiding phones isn’t always a sign of sluttiness or infidelity, sometimes “privacy measures” can signal something isn’t right.

It can also be an attempt to cover up past indiscretions or current orbiters she’s flirting with.

Whereas, if she openly shares her phone with you and never hides or locks it around you…

… there’s probably nothing on there you need to worry about.

Here’s a bonus sign that can be a sneaky one if she says it’s about building a career.

Bonus: Her social media is filled with half-naked pictures!

Now, to be fair, not every sexy girl on Instagram is promiscuous.

But if they’re flaunting their wares, they do like men’s attention.

And the reality is, we tend to show off only our best side on social media.

So if she posts many suggestive photos even if it’s from your date, she might be advertising herself to other men.

And if you’re always cut out of the photos, well, that points towards her potentially being promiscuous…

…or at minimum needing other men’s attention and sexual validation.

All of these are classic symptoms associated with a woman who leads a loose, free, sexually active lifestyle.

But what’s the one major sign she is reformed from her former open-door policy?

Voluntary Celibacy

One hopeful way of telling if maybe things have changed is if she hasn’t slept around with anyone for a long time.

Key Point!

If she’s ready for a relationship, in order for a woman to trust herself to make the right decision in the selection process, the more men she’s slept with the longer she’ll need to hold out to trust herself and for you to trust her value.

That bears repeating…

If she’s ready to settle down, she knows she needs to get to know you to ensure true compatibility before great sex with you clouds her judgment.

What’s the right amount of time to wait?

It depends on how old she is, how many men she slept with, and how long she’s been voluntarily celibate.

If she was previously promiscuous and it’s been at least a year since she last engaged in sexual activity—Keypoint!—by her choice, then she may be ready, willing, and able to be in a committed relationship.

Because voluntary celibacy is undoubtedly contrary to its opposite, promiscuity.

How do you know if she’s being honest about her sexual history over the past year?

That one’s easy, she’s not doing any of the things already mentioned, including having sex with you too soon.

And if you want to know if she’s going to cheat on you soon, watch my video 12 Urgent Warning Signs She’ll Cheat On You Soon.

Thanks for being here, God bless.

Need Help?

And, if you’re single and want to make this year the one you meet your keeper, stop procrastinating and get my WakeUP2Luv program. Get it here.

If you’ve already done it, perhaps it’s time for a review!

And if you need extra help, I invite you to consider either one-on-one coaching (here) or online therapy (here), because you deserve to feel better.
