How To Manifest Love And The Man Of Your Dreams

how to manifest love


Follow these 7 simple steps to manifest your dreams of love.

If dating alone is not working for you, then it’s time to learn how to manifest love. Sometimes focusing on meeting men and dating without setting up the energy, can leave you struggling. That’s no fun! Let’s talk about how to get the Universe on your side, manifest your dreams and take advantage of the cosmic energy of love.

how to manifest loveUnderstanding the Law of Attraction

I’m sure you’ve heard of the Law of Attraction, but just in case, it’s about how energy flows wherever your attention goes. In other words, what you think about most, is often what comes into your life.

This is a HUGE reason to be more conscious of your thoughts! If you are always thinking about how hard finding love is, that’s where your energy goes. Your subconscious mind is in charge of manifesting, so when it hears you talking about the struggle to find love, it thinks you enjoy that. Oh no!

That’s why you want to feel good and think positive thoughts as much as possible. As you raise your vibration you become a match to what you desire which is how you manifest your dreams. Harnessing the power of the Law of Attraction shifts you to a higher frequency.

In addition, it’s been said that the Universe abhors a vacuum. That means when you focus on what you want and it’s not there yet, the Universe is compelled to fulfill your desire and make your dreams come true. How great is that?  Click for more on the Law of Attraction

Manifest Love: 7 Simple Steps

manifest your dreams1) Know What You Want

Here’s how to manifest love. First you need to know what you want. Make your list of the qualities that define your ideal guy. Then think about the qualities of the relationship. How are you together? Is it fun, easy and supportive?

Last but not least, think about how you’ll FEEL once you are in a relationship with your dream man. Getting clear helps you to easily focus on what you want.

You might not get everything on your list, but knowing how you want to feel is far more effective than thinking you’ll know it when you see it. That the key for how you manifest your dreams.

2) Create Affirmations

Next you want to write affirmations that support finding your dream man and living happily ever after. Proper affirmations are positive statements that you speak aloud or write (or both), that are said in the present tense, as if it’s happening now. It also helps to add feelings and emotion to the affirmation.

Here are two examples: My dream man is looking for me right now and ready to find me for lasting love and I am so excited about this!

Or: My dream man and I are about to meet, we recognize each other immediately, and enjoy lasting love that is beyond blissful. Get More on Affirmations 

3) Feel Your Affirmations

Turns out it’s not quite enough to just say your affirmations. When you want to manifest love or manifest your dreams, you also need to FEEL THEM.

Take the time to really imagine your dreams coming true. What would it be like to be in the arms of your ideal mate? That would be more than feeling good – it would be AMAZING! Get excited and feel the wonder of that in your body too.

4) Become Aware of Your Thoughts

how to manifest love

You need to be more conscious of what you spend your time thinking about.  Try not to discuss how hard dating is or all your bad dates.  Don’t put your focus on what you don’t want.

While going to the negative is natural, wake up in that moment. When you notice you’re thinking dating is hard and feeling down, replace that by saying your affirmations.

The more time you spend thinking positive thoughts and feeling happy about your prospects, the more manifesting power you have.

Thoughts and feelings are energy and all energy has a vibration. So, when you lift your vibration with happy thoughts, you are more magnetic to attract it! That’s exactly how you manifest your dreams!

Hopefully, you can now better understand how to manifest love and why repeating your affirmations helps you do that. The more time you think about your dream man and your loving relationship, the happier you feel.

And the more attractive and magnetic you are!

5) How to Fight Fear & Doubt

It’s completely normal to not feel positive 100% of the time. Your brain has deep grooves from your old ways of thinking that dating is hard, you’ll never find the man, and you’re tired of the struggle.

Doubt and fear will come up and this happens to everyone. The best way to address this is to focus on your affirmations! Revisit Point #3. We already know that will make you happy.

In addition, do anything else that makes you feel happy. You might listen to music, take a walk, enjoy a bubble bath,  watch a funny movie, eat a piece of chocolate, or call a girlfriend.

Spend more time on self care because that is a way of loving yourself. Takin great care of yourself during this process to keep your vibe elevated and helps you manifest your dreams.

6) Live Your Best Life


Now that you how to manifest love, as you say your affirmations and feel happier, its time to live your best life. This is like putting your order into the Universe and as mentioned earlier, the Universe dislikes a vacuum. So, it’s just a matter of time before your order is fulfilled!

In the meantime, enjoy your life and live it the best way you can. Act as if you know how to manifest love and manifest your dreams and are really good at it.

Enjoy your favorite activities, get together with friends, and meet lots of men. Laugh and feel good about yourself and your life.

7) Relax and Feel Grateful

This last step is the best one and very powerful. RELAX about the process. When you know your dream man is your destiny because you’ve learned how to manifest love, everything can fall into place. Feeling grateful in advance is accepting the reality that love is YOURS.

Feeling relaxed, with an attitude of gratitude is the most attractive and magnetic way to live your life. Nothing can make you more appealing to the kind of high-caliber man you want.

This is the ideal way to separate yourself from most single women and how to go about manifesting all of your dreams.

On the other hand, if you constantly fret about finding love and feel sure you’ll be alone the rest of your life, the energy of that belief system is a low vibration and unattractive.

That’s the Law of Attraction, but focusing on what you DON’T WANT. Manifesting can work against you too. It all depends on what you spend your time thinking about most. That’s why you want to be highly conscious of your thoughts!

how to manifest loveHow to Manifest Love

So, there you have it! Seven simple steps to manifest love and the man you dream of. He’s out there. Why not spend time imagining that he’s on sabbatical somewhere, but by the time he returns he’ll be ready to meet you. Now all you have to do is get ready and enjoy your life until he shows up!

These steps also help you manifest your dreams, so you can start to create a rich, full life that truly rocks, from career, to health, to family and more.

If you want find out some other simple ways to raise your love vibe, listen to my free audio program here.




Single for too long, Ronnie wanted to find love. She put her skills from personal development and her spiritual path to work, dating 30 men in 15 months to meet her adorable husband Paul. Discovering the keys to manifesting and midlife dating, she founded It’s Never Too Late to help smart, successful women find love or live an empowered and magical life. Ronnie Ann Ryan, MBA, CCC, is a Certified Coach who has helped 1,000s of midlife women with her Love & Magical Life Coach services. She’s the host of the Breathe Love & Magic podcast and has been featured on NBC, ABC, & Fox News, NPR, BBC, eHarmony,, and Connecticut Magazine among others. Also, Ronnie is the author of 6 books which are available on Amazon.
