How to Moderate Relationship Advice On Reddit

How to Moderate Relationship Advice On Reddit


There are many places one can get dating advice.

I’m more in the habit of giving than receiving so I wasn’t remotely aware of the size of the Reddit relationship advice community until I read this piece.

Last month, it recorded more than 40 million pageviews, and added an average of 1,516 new members each day.

With more than 2.6 million members, r/relationships is currently number 74 on the site by size —a little less popular than basketball, a little more popular than tattoos. Last month, it recorded more than 40 million pageviews, and added an average of 1,516 new members each day.

Let’s just say that’s a little more than this site gets. 

The focus of the article is on the Reddit moderators. How do you keep such a huge, unwieldy community civil, especially in such an emotional and personal topic as relationships? Interestingly enough, they’ve arrived at the same conclusions I have.

The rules to this blog are pretty simple: don’t hijack the original post and don’t insult the host or readers directly. Pretty much everything else goes. Somehow, it works.

“In a 2015 paper parsing the “virtues of moderation,” the Cornell Law School internet-platform expert James Grimmelmann identified four types of behavior that moderation is meant to excise: congestion, cacophony, abuse, and manipulation. But taken in total, he wrote, “moderation is how online communities walk the tightrope between overuse and underuse.”

Reddit is a place for crowdsourced advice. People go and ask their own questions and get answers from the community at large.

This is a place in which a dating coach answers one question a week and readers offer their take in the comments below.

Apart from the fact that we both offer relationship advice, there’s really no comparison. So, readers, do you ever frequent Reddit? Do you check out other dating/relationship blogs? And what makes you come back here when there’s so much out there?

Your thoughts, below, are greatly appreciated.

{“@context”:””,”@type”:”FAQPage”,”mainEntity”:[{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”Is it okay to take dating advices from Reddit?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”Reddit is a place for crowdsourced advice. People go and ask their own questions and get answers from the community at large.”}}]}
