How to Not Take Rejection Personally

How to Not Take Rejection Personally


Have you ever been on a date where everything seemed to be going well and you think you have found the one? Then, poof, they disappear with nowhere to be found.

It’s hard not to feel anything but rejected. I’ve certainly been there. It’s something that most of us have dealt with, but it doesn’t make it any easier.

While being proactive and putting yourself out there is an essential first step to dating success, unfortunately, not every instance will end with a connection.

In these cases, it can often be hard to take rejection personally, as even though we may logically know the other person has no personal vendetta against us, our feelings don’t always align with this same conclusion.

So how do you resist taking situations like this personally? Here are some helpful tips to consider when dealing with potential rejections during your next date!

It’s Not You. It’s Them

How a person treats others says a lot about themself. Even if the connection wasn’t there, a kind effort to bring closure to another person is definitely the honorable thing to do instead of ghosting.

However, many singles I work with struggle with being vulnerable and have found themselves running away at first sight of conflict. So I can understand their hesitancy.

It’s also important to remember that rejection is simply a part of life and a natural part of any process we undergo. It’s not about us as individuals, but rather about the circumstances or factors involved.

Empathizing with yourself during this time can help ease the burden of rejection and allow space for growth and new opportunities. Remember, rejection is not a personal attack on you; it’s just a part of the journey. Keep pushing forward and believing in yourself.

Sometimes It’s Not a Good Fit

Rejection can feel like a painful blow to our self-esteem, and it’s easy to take it personally, especially if you really like someone a lot.

But it’s important to remember that everyone has their own unique preferences, values, and tastes.

Just because someone may not be interested in what you have to offer doesn’t mean there’s anything wrong with you. Sometimes it is just not a good fit, and that is okay.

You are still worthy of love and respect. The key is to continue putting yourself out there, and your person will eventually find you.

By understanding that rejection is not a reflection of your self-worth, you can approach future rejections with a more positive and resilient attitude.

Focus on How They Treat You, Not Your Story About Them.

Often singles I work with get so excited about the chemistry connection they focus on what is good on paper. They have already built this person into their ideal life and future discussions about kids and marriage.

It’s easy to get caught up in the excitement. However, it is crucial to see if a person’s actions match their words. If someone’s not putting the same mutual investment, then that is a red flag.

Focus on being the chooser; before investing your heart into someone, ensure they treat you like a priority.

If they aren’t, you need to be chooser and realize they aren’t a good fit for you even if the chemistry is off the charts. Remember, a person’s lack of effort speaks louder than their words.

If you want more about how to navigate the beginning of the relationship, check out this video.

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Focus On Making Yourself Happy

Too often, we look for someone else to bring joy to our lives that we are missing out on. Life is too short to put your energy into someone else’s hands.

Right now, you can build your dream life and don’t need another person to do it with.

One of my clients shared how she always wanted to become a singer, so we came up with plans on how she could start making her dreams come true.

She started vocal lessons and then through her music, she met someone that loved playing jazz too! They fell madly in love with each other.

Happy people are attracted to happy people. So list things you want to explore and experience and do them yourself. You will develop inner confidence through your own hobbies and interest and find more like-minded people.

Think of it as a form of self-care. The more you pour into your bucket, the more joy you will have. Even when someone rejects you, it doesn’t phase you one bit because you are living your best life.

All in all, online dating can be an intensely rewarding experience if you take the time to approach the process with a healthy mindset.

Even though rejection may be inevitable at some point, don’t take it too personally or read too deeply into the responses you receive or lack thereof.

This is out of your hands and instead, focus on things that make you feel better—try engaging in activities that bring a sense of joy during this journey and remind yourself that not everyone is going to be interested romantically – sometimes it’s just them and not you.

When thoughts come up, don’t amplify or sit with them for too long – understand what comes up for you, express it if need be, then let go so that you have space to move on to something else more productive.

And if you need support in feeling more confident while online dating, schedule a Discovery Call with me here.

