How to Open Up to Someone You’re Dating

How to Open Up to Someone You're Dating


Being vulnerable in the midst of dating can be intimidating to most singles. After all, who wants to risk exposing their truest thoughts, feelings, and secrets to someone they’re just getting to know?

In some cases, there is a risk of exposure and rejection, but without vulnerability, we lose out on making a meaningful connection.

As a Dating Coach, I will share my most valuable tips to break through the fears and doubts that stand between you and a meaningful connection by providing actionable tips on how best to approach vulnerability in a way that feels authentic and genuine.

First things, Why are Most Singles Afraid to Be Vulnerable while Dating?

Most people are afraid to be vulnerable during dating for fear of being hurt. You risk being rejected or hurt when you put yourself out there. And unfortunately, many people have been hurt in the past. This can make them reluctant to open up and share their feelings.

What’s much more complicated is that dating can often involve an intense exchange of emotions, which is even more difficult for singles who are used to being alone. Vulnerability in dating means exposing oneself to potential disappointment.

Why is Vulnerability Important in a Relationship?

Most singles freeze at the thought of vulnerability as they may view it as a weakness. In reality, it takes a considerable amount of courage and self-awareness for a person to show up authentically as themselves (flaws and all).

Being vulnerable helps build trust and intimacy that goes deeper beyond having similar interests. When you share your fears, hopes, and dreams with your partner, and they fully accept you no matter what, this can foster a connection that will last past the honeymoon phase. This kind of trust is essential for a healthy relationship.

When both partners share their most vulnerable moments with each other, it creates a deep connection that can’t be replicated anywhere else. This intimacy is what makes a relationship stronger and can weather the most difficult challenges.

Overcoming the Fear of Being Vulnerable While Dating.

Many singles find themselves struggling with the fear of being vulnerable. This can manifest itself in a number of ways, such as being afraid to share personal information or feelings or being hesitant to let the other person get too close. For some people, this fear can be so strong that it prevents them from ever taking the plunge and starting a relationship.

There are a few things you can do to overcome this fear and start enjoying the dating process. First, try to identify the root of your anxiety. Are you afraid of getting hurt? Afraid of being rejected? Limiting beliefs are the culprit that causes anxiety.

It all starts with a negative belief. For example, you might think, “If I let my guard down, I might get hurt,” or “What is the point of even trying? I’m going to get rejected anyway.” At the root of both of these limiting beliefs is “I’m not good enough.” Of course, this isn’t being said out loud, but it is said through specific actions that block you from taking healthy risks or moving forward.

To build the courage to move past these beliefs, one must get to the root cause of their limiting beliefs. In my Conscious Dating Program, I provide powerful mind-shift tools to eliminate this faulty programming. Once you can identify what is driving your fear, you can start working on addressing it and shifting it to a belief that serves you.

This is something I have had to overcome in my own relationship. In this video I share my own vulnerability practice because I believe that learning the art of vulnerability is the key to experiencing true joy in relationships.

[Article Continued Below]

 Tips for Opening Up to Your Date

When you’re first getting to know someone, it can feel daunting to open up and share your feelings and thoughts. You may be worried about what the other person will think of you, or you may not feel comfortable talking about yourself. However, if you want to form a strong connection with your date, it’s important to be open and honest. Here are a few tips for opening up to your date:

  1. Start small. Don’t try to share your life story on your first date. Start by sharing something small, like your favorite movie or book. This will help you get comfortable sharing information with each other.
  2. Be honest. If you don’t like something, say so. Don’t pretend to like something just because you think it’s what your date wants to hear. The more honest you are, the better your relationship will be.
  3. Don’t be afraid to ask questions. Ask your date about his or her hobbies, family, and work. Even ask more profound questions about what they learned about their last relationship or how they would do things differently. These questions spark more meaningful conversations and help you get to the root of who a person is. After all, aren’t you dating to find your life partner?

Being vulnerable in a relationship can be scary, but it is so worth it. Having that deep connection will lead to more intimacy and a lasting relationship.

Remember that you’re not alone if you’re struggling with vulnerability during dating. I offer a FREE Relationship Readiness Review to help people overcome the fear of being vulnerable and create more meaningful connections. Schedule a session with me here. 

