How To Start Your Spiritual Journey To Awaken Your Life

spiritual path


Contemplating how to start your spiritual journey? It might seem dauting, but these simple suggestions will help you get on the path and feel more connected.

spiritual path

A spiritual journey is all about discovering who you really are. This includes:

  • Opening to a new level of awareness
  • Identifying and clarifying problems
  • Accessing spirit
  • Finding higher level, energetic and practical solutions
  • Enjoying more peace and happiness along the way

7 Signs You’re Already on a Spiritual Journey

These are just a few of the possible signs that something is up about your life and you are already on a spiritual journey. You feel:

  1. Lost and uncertain about where you are going in life
  2. Like the rug got pulled out from under you
  3. A deep longing for something more
  4. A strong desire for a spiritual connection
  5. Like what used to work for you or make you happy no longer does
  6. Curious about synchronicities and signs that are coming to you
  7. There’s a bigger purpose you serve, even if you don’t know what that is

If any of these signs are showing up in your life now, you are being put on alert. This is how to start your spiritual journey and it looks like it’s already begun for you.

Now is the time to wake up and be more conscious about how you choose to live your life. The decisions you make today greatly impact your future.

Step By Step on the Spiritual Path

step by step on a spiritual path1. Heighten Awareness

If you’re wondering how to start a spiritual journey, it usually begins with increasing your awareness. What are you noticing about life lately? Do things feel like they are changing rapidly? Are new opportunities popping up for you?

You can heighten your awareness by using several different methods. First, try being more mindful or present. This means you are not oblivious to your surroundings or to what is happening around you.


Try counting your breaths. Inhaling and then exhale – that is one. Do this five to seven times in a row which w ill increase your awareness and help you feel more present.


Imagine grounding the energy in your body by sending  roots down like a tree from your tailbone deep into the earth. Then allow the energy to come back up to nurture your body and fill out your aura.

Energy Field

Picture your aura and find the outer most edges. Become aware of your energy field beyond your physical body. Notice how far it is spread out, then bring it in closer to your body.

If you are an empath, your energy field is often too spread out, picking up emotions from everyone in the area which can be overwhelming. Bring your field in closer for better boundaries and protection.

All three of these activities help you heighten your awareness and become more conscious of what is going on around you.

Solitude is another powerful way to connect with yourself and the spirit world.

2. Identify and Clarify Problems

Once your awareness is improved, it’s easier to identify what is bothering you and clarify your problems. The clearer you are about the issue, the easier it is to find a possible solution.

If you are thinking about how to start your spiritual journey, journaling about a problem can be incredibly helpful. The act of writing can tap into your subconscious mind which often reveals a deeper level of what is concerning you.

Once you feel clear about the problem, that will help you properly pose a question to find answers.

3. Access Spirit

access inner wisdom

Now for the fun part! To gain insights into whatever problem is on your mind, you can use any number of methods. This is how you build your intuition. I’ll share three simple ways below.

Pick a Card – You can use any deck of oracle or tarot cards you have. Simply ask your question and pick a card! Then look up the answers. You might already be doing this.

If you still need more clarity, pick a second card. Just don’t keep picking cards because you don’t like the one you got – that won’t help! In fact, that can interfere with spirit’s ability to guide you as your self-doubt will get in the way.

Open a Book – This is so easy and provides great answers. First, ask your question, then open the book to any page and read the first thing that jumps out at you.

Eyes of Fa – This is a super easy divination tool from West Africa. Toss a quarter four times, noting where it was heads or tails when you caught it. Then look up the pattern here for a one word answer.

4. Tap Inner Guidance

tap your inner guidance

Sometimes a simple answer just isn’t enough. The solution you seek might require deeper insights. In this case the best thing to do is learn to meditate or visualize.

Put on some quiet meditative, yoga-type music, or drumming for shaman journeys. Next, quiet your mind by grounding and taking slow, deep breaths. Then pose your question.

You might see symbols in your mind’s eye or a little movie-like scene, hear the guidance, or have a sense of knowing the answer.

The more often you practice connecting with spirit, the stronger your connection will become.

Learn about healing from within.

5. Enjoy More Peace and Happiness

inner peace and happiness

Now, if you want to get to step five on your spiritual journey, you have to actually put the guidance to work. Following through is essential when you are on a spiritual journey.

Going through this process is how you feel a greater sense of peace and happier too. You’ll likely feel calmer and at ease when you are no longer scurrying around trying to fix everything.

Knowing that you have access to your own inner guidance or can connect with the spirit world for help, can be an amazing blessing on your spiritual path.

How to Start a Spiritual Journey

There you have it – how to start your spiritual journey in five easy steps. Enjoy the process and know this is how to find a more meaningful life and a deeper connection with the divine.

Single for too long, Ronnie wanted to find love. She put her skills from personal development and her spiritual path to work, dating 30 men in 15 months to meet her adorable husband Paul. Discovering the keys to manifesting and midlife dating, she founded It’s Never Too Late to help smart, successful women find love or live an empowered and magical life. Ronnie Ann Ryan, MBA, CCC, is a Certified Coach who has helped 1,000s of midlife women with her Love & Magical Life Coach services. She’s the host of the Breathe Love & Magic podcast and has been featured on NBC, ABC, & Fox News, NPR, BBC, eHarmony,, and Connecticut Magazine among others. Also, Ronnie is the author of 6 books which are available on Amazon.
