How to Tell if a Relationship is Right for You

couple on date at a restaurant smiling


It’s important to know what to look out for and be aware of the red flags that can indicate a bad relationship.

When you’re single and dating, you know how hard it can be to find the right partner. It seems like everyone you meet is either wrong for you, or they’re just not ready for a committed relationship.

But have hope! There are certain “green flags” that can help you weed out the bad apples and find someone who’s worth your time and energy.

In this blog post, we will talk about green flags – things that are positive indicators of a healthy and successful relationship.

If you’re looking for tips on the indicator that you have found the right partner, then read on!

#1 – Mutual Respect

One of the most important green flags to look for in a potential partner is mutual respect. If you’re dating someone who doesn’t respect you, the relationship will likely be unhealthy and unhappy.

Respect means valuing your partner’s thoughts, feelings, and opinions. It also means listening to them and being open to hearing their point of view.


#2- Shared Core Values

If you and your partner have similar core values, it will be easier to build a strong relationship. Shared values can help keep the relationship strong during difficult times as you both carry the same belief system.

It’s important for singles not to hold back from asking deeper questions. These core value conversations can create vulnerability and connection. Asking these meaningful questions about core values is the best way to move past the surface conversations.

Have you wondered why someone may be refusing to ask or answer these deep questions? Sometimes, it is possible one partner is unknowingly self-sabotaging the relationship. This is when a person, consciously or subconsciously, engages in acts that destroy, ruin, or diminish the relationships they are in. In essence, the obstacles in the relationship are self-created. Check out my video below on 20 reasons why one might be self-creating these obstacles.

Article continued below.

#3- Trustworthiness

Trust is earned and does take time. If you feel like your partner has violated your trust, it can be difficult to rebuild that relationship.

However, with patience and effort, it is possible to repair a damaged sense of trust. Remember that rebuilding trust takes time, and both partners need to be willing to work at it.


#4- They Support your Goals and Dreams

If your partner makes you feel like a priority and encourages you in your pursuits, then they are definitely on your side.

They may not always agree with what you want to do, but if they support you and make an effort to be there for you, that’s a good sign. Thank them for being such a great supporter!


#5 – They Communicate Effectively

If your partner is always able to communicate with you openly and honestly, then that’s definitely a green flag. Good communication is key in any relationship, so be sure to appreciate this valuable skill in your loved one.

Communication problems are one of the leading causes of breakups, so it’s important to nurture a healthy dialogue from the start.

Next time you find yourself in an argument, remember to take a step back and really listen to what your partner has to say. You may be surprised at how much more effective things can go when both parties are communicating positively.


Dating can be a fun and exciting experience, but it can also be tricky. It’s important to be aware of the signs that a potential partner is good for you and will make for a healthy and lasting relationship.

If you’re looking for help identifying these signals, I have just the program for you. My Path to Love Program will walk you through the process of finding that perfect green flag relationship. So what are you waiting for? Start your journey today!

