How You Can Find The One Online, Too!

couple smiling at each other


Spring is a time of change, and lots of things are going to be changing around here. This blog is going to be moved over to, I’m going to be posting a lot more frequently, and you’re going to get a lot more value out of reading. Stay tuned.

But the changes I’m alluding to are from the people who have been using the dating techniques taught in Finding the One Online. If you’re not aware, Finding the One Online is my signature program – literally $2000 worth of private coaching packed into 7 CDs with a 180 page transcript and a 35 page workbook. It shows you how to do EVERYTHING online: from choosing the right website, to coming up with a creative username, to writing a unique essay, to crafting a witty and confident first email, to understanding why people disappear and what you can do about it, to knowing how to get a first date when there’s a ton of competition. A few hundred of these things sold in the first month – but I’ve been teaching these techniques for years.

So if you’re struggling to meet people in real life…and you’ve tried online dating with low to mixed results…and you want to find a relationship…but aren’t sure how to make work for you… this is your lucky day.

Check out what a few of my clients have gotten by following Finding The One Online’s simple techniques:

Helen is a New Yorker in her early 50’s who worked with me last summer. She wrote this email to me last week.

On July 2, I met the man that I will be marrying this Fall 2009. I think that the combo of photos and snappily written profile definitely helped. Most helpful according to my fiance is the fact that “the goods” were as stated. Apparently, a LOT of people publish out of date information and photos. It is one thing to have a cute profile, but another to have a truly representative photo/profile. I believe that is how I finally attracted the attention of Mr. Right. I have recommended you to others. I am ever grateful that you provide this service and that you promote honesty and integrity in the endeavor to find a life partner. Now if you could just sell my house so that I could move in with him…Thank you again and again…


Rose is in her 70’s and worked with me twice because she realized that, as an older woman, she had to be more proactive to find love. With a new profile, new photos, and a confident approach to initiating contact, she found her man. Notice that she wrote to HIM first.

I am in a committed relationship with the man I talked about as being a friend with the potential perhaps of being more. It turns out he was interested in me from the start but kept telling me all the negatives about him as a potential partner to be sure I enjoyed his company and liked him anyway before he was willing to risk showing his feelings. Anyway we are now committed to living together and talk about the future as if we will be sharing it.

There is no doubt that you played a role in this at some level. Your harping on keeping an open mind and looking at people beyond those we ordinarily would choose let me look differently at this man. I am still grappling with some of the issues that come up for me because of the disparity in our incomes, but since we are able to talk about everything I think we will be able to manage this.

So thank you. By the way, I met him on The Right Stuff. I contacted him, in December of 2007. So online dating does work even on the low volume sites.


Christine found a boyfriend on while we worked together, broke up with him as we continued our coaching, and then sent me this email two weeks ago:

Evan, I am engaged and getting married in 2010!!!


What all of these women have in common is that they decided that they weren’t content with the state of their love lives.

In making the effort to find a new path to love, they reinvented their online personas, attracted more men – higher quality men – and found their future spouses.

I invite you to do the same.

Finding the One Online.

It’s inexpensive, it’s interesting, and, most importantly, it’s life changing.

I look forward to posting YOUR success stories on here later this year!

Your friend,

