I Miss the Guy Who Ghosted Me

lonely girl ghosted by her boyfriend


Got ghosted and can’t stop thinking about the guy? We’ve all been there. Despite how poorly he treated you, you may still be thinking to yourself: “I miss the guy who ghosted me.”

It’s tough when you thought things were going well, and suddenly, he disappears out of your life without any explanation. But there are several things you can do to get over being ghosted.

First, it’s important to give yourself time to grieve the loss of the relationship. This means allowing yourself to feel sad, angry, or hurt for however long you need to. Next, spend time with people who make you feel good about yourself and who will help take your mind off of the guy who ghosted you. Finally, once you’ve had enough time to process your emotions, you’ll realize that the kind of guy who ghosts you is NOT the kind of guy you want to be with.

In this article, Dating Coach Evan Marc Katz tells you exactly how to get over being ghosted.

