If You’re Divorced Don’t Date Until You…

If You’re Divorced Don't Date Until You...


If You’re Divorced Don’t Date Until You…

If you’re divorced don’t date until you hear this relationship advice from someone who is also divorced.

After a long-term relationship breakup or divorce you may doubt yourself, feel like a failure, blame yourself, blame your ex, regret ever meeting them, and vow to stay single forever because love inevitably leads to pain.

You tell yourself, “The juice isn’t worth the squeeze!”

However, maybe loneliness sets in or you long for a cuddle buddy, and some of you bravely decide to dip your toe in the dating waters again.

In this video, you’ll learn what you must do after a long-term relationship breakup before you put yourself back on the dating market—and the mistakes I made that might save you from future heartbreak, as well as some tips for single parents.

I’m divorced, so I know firsthand how awful it is.

Some people think it’s foolish to take relationship advice from a divorced woman, especially advice for men.

We’re taught to take advice from successful people. That makes sense.

We can also learn from people who have failed at what we want to succeed at…IF they have learned from their mistakes.

The truth is we can learn from people who got it right the first time and from those who learned the hard way.

Although many of you long for a long-term intimate relationship, you’re better to be single than sorry. Don’t settle to settle down.

I’m divorced because of the choices I made. Maybe my mistakes can help you avoid a doomed relationship.

Take what resonates and leave the rest, and remember, we all have blind spots.

Watch the video here >> https://youtu.be/rTJerV_fL-I <<

Online Therapy

If you consistently go for toxic women or self-sabotage when you do find a good woman, it’s more about you.

You may benefit from therapy.

There is nothing shameful about hiring a professional to guide you!

Professional athletes don’t hesitate to hire a professional coach to find their weak points and improve their skills. That’s what professionals are for!

It’s the same thing with coaching or counseling.

To find out more about the online therapy company I recommend for men click here. (Sadly, some popular online therapy companies are biased in favour of women.)

If you’ve already whole-heartedly tried my WakeUP2Luv program and feel you don’t deserve the kind of woman with these essential qualities you must consider when choosing a woman, it’s time to give yourself the gift of therapy.

With my WakeUP2Luv program or a therapist, you’ll start believing you deserve the kind of love you crave…and deserve.

I believe in you!

divorced don’t date until

