(Infographic) Thanks to You, EvanMarcKatz.com Had 9 Million Readers in 2015!

(Infographic) Thanks to You, EvanMarcKatz.com Had 9 Million Readers in 2015!


When I started blogging in 2007, it was based on a friend’s recommendation. “Everybody’s doing it. It’s good for SEO. It’s a way to connect with your fans.” To me, it just sounded like a pain in the ass. I was a professional writer, I had two books under my belt, I had a weekly newsletter where I already gave free advice, so why would I want the headache of creating MORE free content for no money? But, as is my disposition, I took a chance, and, as is my disposition, I stuck with it.

9 years later, I am humbled and blown away at what this site has become. My little blog, which I half-heartedly started when I first met my wife (original title: AdviceFromASingleDatingExpert), has turned into a massive community. Nearly 9 million people came to EvanMarcKatz.com in 2015.

So I just want to say, from the bottom of my heart, how grateful I am. I began as a 34-year-old single writer, trying to navigate his way through the complicated LA dating scene. I didn’t know what I was doing, but that didn’t stop me. However, by hosting this blog, answering your questions, and participating in the vibrant comments section, I have become a better person. I’ve learned to understand different perspectives, challenge my own beliefs, inform my coaching practice, and, most importantly, choose an amazing wife. In short, I’ve grown up, thanks to you. I have a career, thanks to you. To some degree, I owe my life to you.

Which is why I would be remiss, after all this time, to keep these astounding numbers to myself. I wanted you to know that I appreciate your continued readership and that you are part of something much larger. Because of that, I vow to keep putting out regular provocative material (including a new podcast and YouTube channel in March) and to keep up my end of the bargain as long as you keep up yours.

With that in mind, I have one (okay, two) simple requests:

In the comments section beneath the infographic, please post the single most important thing you have gotten out of reading this blog. Then, when you’re done, please share this post on your Facebook wall or Twitter account. I’m proud of what we’ve built together and I hope we can continue to grow this worldwide community of smart people who believe in love.

Thank you so very much,



Evan Marc Katz Infographic - By The Numbers - Final - 2

Friendly Reminder:

Please post the single most important thing you have gotten out of reading this blog.

Then, when you’re done, please share this post on your Facebook wall or Twitter account.

I’m proud of what we’ve built together and I hope we can continue to grow this worldwide community of smart people who believe in love.

