Love U Live – Evan Marc Katz

Evan Marc Katz wearing a purple t-shirt



“You have to be bold because nothing in life worth having isn’t without some measure of risk.”

For various reasons that I don’t want to get into, though not for lack of opportunity, I was a virgin at 34 when I joined Love U. A very successful one who had gone out on some dates but not ever taking it that seriously, and never truly having found that one guy that I really wanted to be with. I decided that I could either spend the rest of my life alone, or apply that logic and determination that I have so well in my professional life and try to find love. A lot of my friends were like, why don’t you just lose your virginity and get it over with so you can date more, it’s not that big a deal. But it was a big deal to me. I had waited this long and I wanted to find that special guy, the one who would love, cherish, respect, and commit to me, who was my match on every level, who would appreciate the gift that I was giving him and understand me for who I am. That was the one I was going to give myself to and it would be all of me. He would fall in love with me, commit to me, and we would be working towards marriage and a future together.

Now as most of you probably realize, this is rather a monumental task to achieve when you are a 34-year-old virgin dating in this fast-paced, sex on the second date, online world. Take everything that you are supposed to do – flirt but not be too sexy, be feminine but still maintain your boundaries, let him lead but know when to set him up for success, lead him around the bases (what are bases?) but don’t sleep with him until he is your boyfriend, figure out how to get him to the point of being your boyfriend, etc. – and then multiply that by a factor of “I’ve never done this before and gosh I hope it doesn’t show.”
