Men Love These 5 Texts From Women



There is absolutely no greater joy for a man when we receive a flirtatious text from a woman that we’re into. While we don’t recommend texting as a platform for serious conversations, texting (when used strategically) is an incredible tool for building desire and a connection

Today, I want to share with you five text messages that men absolutely love to receive from women. Let’s dive in and explore how they can work wonders in your dating life.

1. The Fun Banter Text:

One of the best ways to keep things exciting is through light-hearted banter. Imagine you’ve been on a few dates with a guy, but he hasn’t reached out in a while. Instead of confronting him, try sending a playful text like, “I bet my weekend beat your weekend.” This type of text adds a sense of fun and intrigue to your conversation, reigniting the spark without pressure.

2. The Visually Imaginative Text:

Men are visual creatures, and you can use this to your advantage with the Visually Imaginative Text. Send a message saying, “I’m wearing something right now that I think you’d like.” Exuding your sexy confidence in this light, playful manner will spark intense curiosity and imagination, leaving him eager to know more.

3. The Recollection Text:

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Reminiscing about shared experiences is a really effective way to build a deeper emotional connection. Try starting with, “I was just thinking back to when…” and insert a memory you both share. The more unique and intimate the memory, the more potently it rekindles the emotional connection. This text also shows that you are thinking of him and cherish those moments, but in a light-hearted way.

4. The FOMO Photo:

Send a picture of yourself out having a fantastic time WITHOUT HIM. Showcase your independence and the exciting life you lead. This will make him eager to be part of your adventures and keep the desire burning.

5. The Flirtatious Text:

Consider sending this flirtatious text to add a playful and cheeky element to your conversations: “You’re trouble.” This introduces an element of mystery and challenge, inviting playful banter that is fun to play off.

We challenge you to use one of these texts in your current interactions. They can help you build desire, and keep the excitement alive in your budding connection. Remember, while texting is a great way to connect, it should complement your real-life interactions. So, go ahead and try out these secret weapons and watch how they enhance your in-person interactions.
