Monthly Romance Calendar for Couples in Love

Monthly Romance Calendar for Couples in Love


Raise your hand if your marriage needs more than just ROMANCE ideas.

Raise your hand if you’ve ever wondered what it would take to remodel your marriage.

If your hand is raised, we’ve got some BIG news…

Were you around for the OG, fan-fav Love Calendars we did back in 2014 – 2016?

The amount of messages, comments, and emails we STILL receive begging for those calendars back is unreal…

Questions from readers about the calendars for couples from The Dating Divas. | The Dating Divas
Customer questions about calendars for couples

Hey, Alexa! Cue “Don’t Stop Believing” by Journey!

Soak in the music, will ya?! 

You asked about the Love Calendars…you didn’t stop believing. And you DEFINITELY held on to that feeling. {wink!}

If you were one of the hundreds of messages we received begging for a calendar, let’s pause here to let you pat yourself on the back because…. *drum roll please*


Make your marriage stronger with a specific calendar for couples. | The Dating Divas

We went a big step further {okay, totally more like a LEAP} to make sure we brought back this fan-fav BIGGER and brilliantly better for YOU!

Unlike the Love Calendars we created over 6 years ago, our ALL NEW Calendar for Couples are actually wayyyyyy more than just an idea in each calendar square.

The Couple’s Calendar has a detailed outline for you and your sweetie each day of the week complete with color-coded tasks!

  • Pink for HER on even days
Interactive calendar for couples with his and her days. | The Dating Divas
A couple holding their new calendar for couples by The Dating Divas

Check your interactive calendar daily to grab any links and resources planned for you like…

  • digital texts for your spouse
  • links to insightful podcasts
  • recommended TED talks
  • inspiring & educational articles
  • discussion questions
  • weekly date ideas
  • supplemental, ready-to-print PDFs
Scan a code on your interactive calendar for couples. | The Dating Divas
A phone scans a QR code on a couple’s calendar

 …all gathered in one place… your monthly calendar!

I can tell that making your marriage a priority is important to you. That’s why you’re here, right?!

  • Maybe you’ve been feeling the strain for a while as responsibilities crept in and playfulness saw its way out the door.
  • Maybe you noticed more of a slow drift between you and your sweetie and wonder if anyone really knows how to stay madly in love. 
  • Maybe conflict or communication difficulties have taken root in your daily interactions and you miss being able to just TALK.
  • Maybe you miss laughing with your spouse, sharing things you learned during your day, or just having SCHEDULED time for the two of you.
  • Or maybe you just want to be intentional and make sure your marriage STAYS a priority when life gets busy.

This is EXACTLY where the Couple’s Calendar comes in!!

As our most COMPREHENSIVE product yet, the Couple’s Calendar takes a 365-day DIVE into topics and pain points EVERY marriage could use some maintenance with.

Each month of this subscription brings a BRAND NEW topic for you and your sweetie to tackle!

Except…we’ve done all the work for you! {Kind of our thing, by the way!}

New and different themes will be released each month during the  subscription.
12 different themes come with this printable calendar for couples


  • Open the email you receive after purchase and download your instructions, your monthly calendar, and your supplemental PDFs. You will receive a new calendar for EACH month you are subscribed, featuring a new area of marriage to focus on. 
  • Print & prep the easy PDFs needed for the upcoming month’s challenges.  
    • Note: you can print them out all at once ahead of time, or just print as needed throughout the month.
  • Work through your calendar one day at a time! 
    • Odd days have “love assignments” for HIM marked in teal, and even days have “love assignments” for HER marked in pink!
    • Use your cell-phone to scan the QR codes provided on your daily calendar square for easy access to learning links & more each day!
    • Here’s what you can expect each day of the week…
This calendar for couples has different themes for each day of the week. | The Dating Divas
Daily theme list for a calendar for couples

Each month of the year is themed with a unique aspect of a healthy marriage:

  • Sexy September
  • Romantic October
  • Positivity November
  • Service December
  • Communication January
  • Flirty February
  • Make it New March
  • Active April
  • Make Time May
  • Rejuvenate June
  • Memories July
  • Playful August
  • + MORE themes coming!

Grow closer together in a NEW area of your marriage each month!

The secret of success if found in your daily routines & habits!

One day, one hour, one moment at a time. It’s been proven over and over that marriage CAN be improved in these little moments.

Grab your calendar for couples NOW to see how your relationship can be revitalized this year!

A couple strengthens their marriage with their couple's calendar. | The Dating Divas
A couple kisses with their Couple’s Calendar

And if you don’t want to take our word for it….

Back in July, we asked for test group volunteers to try out our BRAND NEW Couple’s Calendars before they launched.

The verdict is in!

Customer Reviews for our BRAND NEW Couple’s Calendars

This calendar is the future of calendars that should be hung in a home! All married couples from newlyweds to seasoned couples can benefit from this calendar. The focus of creating a deeper connection with your spouse in a minimum of 10 minutes a day is POWERFUL! Not all activities are short but knowing if you intentionally and purposely give a time daily to your marriage, it will change for the better! I love the calendar because it offers continual opportunities to serve. If you’re a spiritual person, we know that marriage is two people choosing to serve one another daily! Having the heart of a servant! The bucket list really gave us the opportunity to fulfill the desires of our partner’s heart. It was scary at first because his bucket list was completely opposite of mine but as we went through the month, I was able to step outside my comfort zone and serve him. The connection gradually becoming deeper allowed me to walk in selflessness a bit more each day. To feel understood was beautiful. I feel that this calendar will make a difference in marriages across the world. The best wedding or anniversary gift to give is here!!

-Jamie and Lyndon

The calendar provided a way for us to not just ensure we dated on a regular basis but connected daily in an intentional way. It’s easy to get used to your daily routine and not take that time to focus on your spouse each day. The articles shared help open up conversations around topics that neither one of us would have brought up on our own, but were able to have a lasting positive effect on our relationship. By the end of the month we had connected and spiced up our marriage. People thought we were newlyweds as we celebrated 18 years of marriage because we were just two kids head over heels for each other.

– Julie and Joshua

We loved the variety of activities, pre planned date nights, challenges and educational resources included in the Couples Calendar! The included printable PDF file and QR codes made it a breeze to plan and prepare activities on the spot or in advance. As an added bonus, some of the games, like the Deck of Desire card game are reusable! The games and challenges introduced new and fun ways for us to focus on each other in loving and intimate ways and opened new doors of communication in our marriage. We can’t wait to see what the other 11 months of the Couples Calendar have in store! ♥

– Daniel and Lauri

Amazing, right?! Get this interactive calendar and get ready to have the marriage of your dreams!

Improve your marriage daily with a love calendar for couples. | The Dating Divas


This is a recurring subscription where you are billed monthly.

Focus on a new are of your marriage each month!

$10 per month

This is a recurring subscription where you are billed annually.

BEST DEAL! Gives you 2 months FREE!

$96 per year

**Subscriptions will continue until cancellation is requested.
