My Secret to Keeping Your Cool Around a Woman You Like

My Secret to Keeping Your Cool Around a Woman You Like


The Secret to Keeping Cool Around the Hottest Women (No More Nerves!)

How to Be Logical and Level-Headed So You Shut Down Your Nerves FAST…

I used to have this client…let’s call him Jay.

Now, if you were to see Jay interact with a woman, you’d have no idea he ever needed a dating coach. He’s pretty good-looking…

Has a ton of charisma…

A great job with a lot of money…

And he comes from a good family.

He’s the type of guy who’s perfect on paper — women should be all over him all the time.

INSIDER SECRETS: 27 “Sex Signs” She Wants You BAD (Most Men Totally Miss These)!

And the truth is…well, they are. Women DO love him. They do want him. He goes on as many dates as he wants…

But there’s one big problem. And it’s stopped him from ever finding a long-term relationship.

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The #1 Reason Guys Who Do All the “Right” Things Get it All Wrong…

Here’s Jay’s problem: He has low self-esteem.

On the surface, you’d never guess — he’s really good at hiding it. He can convince any woman that he’s the man they should want…

And they almost always buy into his “act”…

But as soon as he starts to really like a girl? That’s when everything falls apart, and he reveals his true colors.

Because as soon as the woman he likes shows even a hint of disinterest, his low self-esteem rears its ugly head — and he loses it.

The moment he feels emotionally threatened, his entire image falls apart and he enters a world of anxiety…


And flat out misery.

When Jay enters that world, his fears become a reality…and it’s all his fault!

Now, if his self-esteem were higher, he could fix all of this — but that’s not something that can be changed overnight. There’s no “magic bullet” for that.

Instead, I had to teach him something else:

How to control his emotional response.

The Secret to Keeping Cool Around the Hottest Women (No More Nerves!)

How Emotions Get in the Way of Your Sexual Success

The single biggest reason women ran away screaming from Jay was because he had no clue how to control his emotions.

Instead of following logic and using his experience to make smart choices…

He let his emotions make all the decisions for him.

I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again:

Whenever a man allows his emotions to run his life, his success rate with women goes down. WAY down.


The Secret to Keeping Cool Around the Hottest Women (No More Nerves!)

Because women don’t want an emotional man! Women follow their emotions…so they want a man who has a good sense of logic to “complete” them.

And in fact, emotional men are a huge turn-off for most women. So because Jay struggled to separate his emotions from his dating life, he pushed away every woman he ever liked.

There’s even science to back it up:

The Secret to Keeping Cool Around the Hottest Women (No More Nerves!)

So What’s the Science Behind It?

Think back to a time when you were dating a woman, and for whatever reason you got very jealous. How did you react?

Did you say something you regretted later on? Or maybe you lashed out and did something you wouldn’t normally do?

Did you show a side of yourself that you wish you hadn’t…and you’d give anything to take back?

If that’s never happened to you, think back to a time when you were very angry. Maybe someone cut you off while you were driving…

Or you read an article criticizing something you believe in…

SPECIAL: 27 Surefire Signs She’s H*rny And DTF Right Now…

Really focus on how mad it made you. Did you give that driver the middle finger? Or maybe you left a comment insulting the article’s author?

As men, we lash out like this when our emotions go haywire in our brain. It’s really pretty simple:

Emotions are a mixture of chemical reactions going on inside your body…

So when you feel strongly about something, your body is flooded with hormones and proteins that physically alter your mood…

And these proteins and hormones are responsible for stopping your ability to think with logic — it’s like being on drugs. And when you’re on drugs, it’s hard — if not impossible — to be rational.

The Secret to Keeping Cool Around the Hottest Women (No More Nerves!)

My Secret to Keeping Your Cool Around a Woman You Like

Over the years, I’ve learned a trick to stop your emotions from controlling you — so you can recognize:

  • When you’re not thinking clearly…
  • Why you’re not thinking clearly, and…
  • How to take control of the situation using logic.

This took me quite some time to learn…and once you start using it, it’ll take some practice…

But it’s incredibly effective at stopping you from doing something you’ll regret later on.

So when I’m feeling a strong emotion coming on, here’s what I do:

I sit down and physically relax as many muscles as possible. I breathe in deeply, then I breathe out deeply — and I repeat this until I feel calm and level-headed again.

When you do this, you’ll only ever act out of a place of power — not weakness or vulnerability. And that’s the secret to getting a woman you like to stick around.

Now, controlling your emotions is one key to keeping a woman you like interested in you…

But the next step is to use her emotions to your advantage — because if you can trigger her emotional desire, you can make her yours using very little effort.

So how exactly do you do that?

Here’s what works for me:

The Secret to Keeping Cool Around the Hottest Women (No More Nerves!)

Trigger Her Fetish for Mystery With These “Smooth Guy Secrets”…

As we know, a woman will trust her emotions over any rational logic.

And when a woman is out looking for a man, her emotional curiosity drives her toward a man who seems “mysterious”…because in her mind:

“Who is this mysterious stranger? I HAVE to know more about him…”

So if you can project this “mysterious” energy on a night out…

Her curiosity will drive her to get closer to you…

…So she’ll find almost any excuse to strike up a conversation…

And almost nothing can stop her.

Until now, there hasn’t been a good way to project this energy without doing something “weird” or complicated …

But my buddy Magic recently showed me this weird stance, eye contact, and handshake…

He calls them his “Smooth Guy Secrets”

They don’t work 100% of the time…but for a single, available woman on a night out…they’re f’in unstoppable.

Just click the one you want to know more about below:

And for even more “Smooth Guy Secrets” my inner circle uses, just go here:

Show me the advanced “Smooth Guy Secrets” that experts use to attract women FAST…
