Online Dating and Tips To Do It Right

Online Dating and Tips To Do It Right


Key Takeaways:

  • Understand how online dating works
  • Find out whether you need a dating coach to find lasting love
  • Learn about Love U and how you can greatly benefit from it


The Technological Revolution Drives Today’s Romance

In the Victorian era, suitors made personal invitation cards – often spicy. There was a language of flowers and fans. And inevitably, chaperones. Needless to say, it was complicated.

In the 21st century, the technological revolution has impacted modern romance in ways that are still not fully understood. But in the long run, we’re still the same people we were in the era of fainting couches. We still want real love, long-term relationships, marriage, and healthy relationships. While we may arrive at our matches in a different way, using different tools, the end goal is generally the same.

Using the Tools

For younger users, many of the tools we use for dating are taken for granted. For those of us who are not “digital natives,” it can be more challenging. Even those fluent in the internet may have trouble keeping up with all the options and fast changes. 

Traditional dating sites and long, descriptive online profiles are still in play on sites like Match and OkCupid, but the world is dominated by the swipe right-swipe left apps: Tinder, Bumble, Hinge, Coffee Meets Bagel. Each of these may have different etiquette or standards. If you’re new to the dating scene or have taken a break, it can be hard to keep up!

One of the great things about an online dating coach is that they’ll have done the research. They’ll know which sites and apps are appropriate to your situation and which are useless. They might encourage you to become more familiar with certain technologies, or avoid them altogether. They’ll understand the changing mores and etiquette of online dating.

Why Get a Dating Coach at All?

You may be thinking, “I have friends and family who give me all my dating advice!”

Friends and family are terrific. But part of what makes them your friends is that they’re biased in your favor, and we love them for that. Family is usually loyal to you. Even worse, maybe they still see you as the child or teenager they knew. They’re giving advice based on the old you. They may see choices that just don’t match up with where you are in life now. A few might even be perceptive and brutally honest. They might tell you the truth about what isn’t working for you and your choices. But they’re not experts; all they know is that they love you and want you to be happy.

This is where a dating coach can be really helpful. It’s not just a matter of giving advice. A dating coach benefits from being objective and experienced. It’s their job to assess where you’re at, what’s not working in your love life, and what blind spots you have when it comes to choosing the wrong partner. The best coaches have a huge body of knowledge gathered from working with hundreds, possibly thousands, of clients. They’ve seen it all.

They’re able to come up with a personalized, comprehensive plan to get you the love you deserve. Sometimes it’s a matter of uncovering limiting beliefs that may have held you back, or figuring out why it’s so hard to find and sustain a romantic relationship. If you have self-esteem issues, you’ll work on confidence. If you struggle with online dating, you’ll work on your marketing and attracting higher-quality men. If you struggle with communication, you’ll discover how to set healthy boundaries with the men you’re seeing.

You’ll get total clarity about what’s been holding you back, as well as the skills to trust your judgment when it comes to dating and the right partner.

The key here is that while dating advice is plentiful, everyone’s dating experience is different. You are unique. Your entire life has led up to this moment. Your past continues to shape your dating world. When you work one on one with the best dating coach, you’re getting a customized experience, a tailored approach to your love life and its challenges. When you talk, your coach gives their full attention to YOU, listening actively with a focus on your personal relationship goals.

Is a Dating Coach Worth the Cost?

You’re right, these services aren’t free. Dating coaches charge a fee – it is a business as well as a service. The best coaches have specific skills and experience that can’t be found elsewhere. And yet, some people have trouble prioritizing their future happiness. We’ll spend money on that remodel or vacation, but not on something that could last for decades.

Maybe you consider a great haircut or new outfit part of your dating strategy. The problem is that those are external solutions. They may be great to boost your confidence at the moment and make you more attractive to the opposite sex. But that doesn’t fix the biggest issue you have with online dating – learning to sift through the 90% of men who are time wasters and attract the top 10% of men. Imagine learning a better communication style, advice that gets you out of your comfort zone, and more discernment about potential partners; that’s a confidence builder that lasts!

Online specialists

An online dating coach has expertise in various online platforms, as well as online dating communication from texting to emails to Zoom and FaceTime calls. They can look at your online profile or help you write a new one. They’ll assess your photos to see if they’re really working for you. They’ll help you find the right platform or dating apps for you and your stage in life and point you in the right direction of compatible dates who contact you. Their advice is specifically geared toward success in online dating.

The other great aspect of online coaching is that having a virtual, online coach is especially easy and convenient. City traffic and parking are a non-issue, as is the availability of a coach in less-populated areas. Working with a coach from the comfort of your home can allow you to relax and actually enjoy the process of online dating.

How to select an online dating consultant – Evan Marc Katz weighs in

To find out what you should be looking for in an online dating coach, we checked in with Evan Marc Katz, the longest-serving dating coach in the world. Since 2003, he’s been helping singles find success. If you’re ready to hire someone, you couldn’t do better than this: He’s won awards, written four books, been lauded by Oprah, and started Love U, a one-stop-shop to teach you everything you need to know about dating, relationships, and men.

Evan is the gold standard: you can find hundreds of testimonials from clients, a blog that reaches 35 million people, a podcast downloaded 2 million times, and a personal passion for coaching that makes him exceptionally hands-on and over-delivering. He is quick to admit that anyone can call themselves a dating coach. But what separates the wheat from the chaff are the sustained experience in the field, training, and a skill set honed over the years.

He notes that he helps clients with everything from the more superficial – your dating profile and photos – to focusing on deeper issues that help you break free from old patterns.

So when you look for a coach, you’ll want to look for someone with a similar background – a combination of deep roots in this particular kind of counseling and the personal skills and dedication that really focus on you and your needs. Use Evan’s credentials as a guideline – or simply go to Evan Marc Katz and Love U to get the most highly regarded program of all.

How do I know I’m ready?

Do any of these sounds like you?

  • You’re already doing or considering online dating.
  • You want to connect, but don’t trust your judgment to pick an online match.
  • You’ve endured multiple toxic relationships, wasting too much time on the wrong men.
  • You don’t feel confident in your social or dating skills.
  • You haven’t dated in a while and find modern dating daunting and confusing.
  • Your time is valuable.
  • Your self-esteem is not what it could be.
  • You’re less interested in casual dating than you are in finding a real relationship.
  • You find yourself being unsure of what it is you really want.
  • You’re ready to settle down, but not to settle.
  • You’re worried that you’re getting older, and the good men are gone.
  • Too many first dates and last dates.

If you’ve asked yourself in the past year what it is you’re doing wrong, why your dating and love life isn’t satisfying, and where that great guy and potential partner is hiding, the time is now.

Former clients often say they can’t believe that it took them so long to seek a dating coach. Like you, they may have thought that they could do it themselves. Not everyone goes when things are good. Some people had to hit rock bottom: The end of a long relationship. The loss of a parent. An empty nest. A big birthday – realizing you’re turning 40, 50, or 60. You don’t want to wait until that point; you want to do something proactive. NOW.

When you join the thousands of single women who’ve found love by talking to a dating expert, you’ll wonder why you didn’t do it sooner.

Love U and Online Dating Classes

While great coaches like Evan are passionate about one on one coaching and the tailored experience of direct contact, there can be a great benefit in online classes. In Evan’s case, Love U features learning modules that provide you with information about all aspects of dating and romance. It also ties you into a like-minded community of strong, smart women with a wealth of knowledge and experience.

Having all of this online is so convenient. In Love U, for instance, you’d access video, audio, transcripts, and exercises for 6 monthly modules covering: Confidence, Meeting Men, Dating, Understanding Men, Relationships, and Commitment. In addition to six months of unique content, you get access to 6 months of group coaching with Evan Marc Katz and 6 months of support and Q&A in the Love U community – so that you can learn to trust your judgment with men once and for all.

Online Is Here To Stay

From all indicators, online dating and communications are not going away anytime soon. Online dating apps and dating sites are abundant. It’s probably best to ride that horse in the direction it’s going and learn how to embrace it. Dating coaching services, especially online dating coaches, are here to help. Finding real love may just be a few clicks away!
